For the construction of 6 no. new dwelling houses, consisting of 6 no. 3 bed townhouses (103.6 m2) including ancillary site works, alterations to boundaries at No. 2,3,4,5 and 6 Silveroe Meadow (previously approved planning Ref. PD/07/1919) and No. 1 Silveroe Drive (PD/07/09), alterations to boundary at existing dwelling at junction between N61 and R361 including demolition of roadside boundary wall to existing dwelling, partial demolition of existing shed and construction of new footpath and connections to existing public foul and storm water sewer and associated car parking spaces at
The construction of 6 no. 3 bed townhouses (103.6m2) including ancillary site works, alterations to boundaries at no. 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Sliveroe Meadow (previously approved planning ref. PD/04/1919) and no. 1 Silveroe Drive (PD/07/09), and connections to existing public foul and storm water sewer, and associated site development works at
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application