Planning Application: 08552 (Roscommon County Council )
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Proposed Development
Development Description:
Of change of use of Wing H (3) from a small scale manufacturing unit to a laboratory and changes to the internal layout, the omission of stairs, changes to the elevations consisting of the addition and relocation of windows and doors, removal of roller shutter door, addition of solvent store, nitrogen and helium tanks and all associated site works at
Of change of use of Wing H (3) from a small scale manufacturing unit to a laboratory and changes to the internal layout, the omission of stairs, changes to the elevations consisting of the addition and relocation of windows and doors, removal of roller shutter door, addition of solvent store, nitrogen and helium tanks and all associated site works at
For the addition of a roller shutter door to each of the seven wings of the production building and the provision of an additional door to core building at
For the addition and relocation of personnel doors, the addition of a roller shutter door and glazing to the elevations of Wing 4 and changes to the internal floor plan to accommodate pharmaceutical laboratory, associated offices, storage and service areas at
The development will include: 1. Permission for the construction of an administration building as per planning permission previously granted under Ref. No. 04/1176. 2. Retention permission for a single storey building with site office and storage area. 3. Retention permission for work done on site for a technology park - main building with a research and development and pharmaceutical packaging facilities and completion of the building as per planning permission previously granted under Ref. No. 04/1176. 4. Retention permission for completion of all associated works including the construction of access roads, car parking, earth berm, retaining walls, landscaped fire water retention pond, water feature, services and the removal of excess excavated material as per planning permission previously granted under Ref. No. 04/1176 at
Permission for (1) Removal of partially completed main Steel structures, (2) Removal of single storey office and storage building, (3) Removal of excess excavated material on site, (4) Removal of all ancillary storage containers, (5) Construction of new access road off the existing roundabout on the R362, (6) Remove existing site boundary fencing and replace with new security fencing for the extent of the site, (7) New security gates, and all associated ancillary works, previous Planning Ref. Numbers 16/297 and 04/1176 located at
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application