Planning application details ref: 0837 Roscommon County Council

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Planning Application: 0837 (Roscommon County Council )
File Number: 0837
Received Date: 15/01/2008 Decision Due Date: 28/04/2008
Validated Date: 15/01/2008 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 07/03/2008 Further Info Received: 01/04/2008
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 28/04/2008
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 26/05/2008
Commenced Date: Submissions By:

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Elmstar Construction Ltd.,
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: GRANT PERMISSION for the demolition of existing farm buildings and the construction of 84 new dwellings (only) and a new crèche facility for 40 children with 21 no. ancillary car parking spaces and a new Bring Centre. New storm water and foul water drainage system to connect into existing Local Authority drains located on the Boyle Road, the provision of a new attenuation pond, new pumping station and 2 no. new ESB sub stations and ancillary site works. This site includes part of the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/04/1919, and also includes the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/01/1598, and planning permission is sought for: (a) Change of site boundary in relation to PD/04/1919; (b) Omission of houses 8,9 and 10 in relation to PD/01/1598; (c) Modifications to access road to link up with adjoining development in relation to PD/04/1919 and PD/01/1598. Planning Permission is also sought for RETENTION of excavation and site development ground works (only) and REFUSE PERMISSION for change of site boundary in relation to PD/01/1598 (Application made for the demolition of existing farm buildings and the construction of 96 new dwelling houses, consisting of 7 no. two bedroom detached bungalows and 2 no. two bedroom semi detached bungalows, 3 no. three bedroom detached houses, 64 no. semi detached two storey three bedroom houses and 20 no. four bedroom semi -detached houses. A new Creche facility for 40 children with 21 no. ancillary car parking spaces and a new Bring Centre. New storm water and foul water drainage system to connect into existing Local Authority drains located on the Boyle road, the provision of a new attenuation pond, new pumping station and 2 no. new ESB sub stations and ancillary site works. This site includes part of the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/04/1919, and also includes the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/01/1598, and planning permission is sought for: (a) Change of site boundary in relation to PD/04/1919 and PD/01/1598; (b) Omission of houses 8,9 and 10 in relation to PD/01/1598; (c) Modifications to access road to link up with adjoining development in relation to PD/04/1919 and PD/01/1598. Planning Permission is also sought for RETENTION of excavation and site development ground works) at
Development Address: Great Meadow/Aughnagrange Townland, Boyle, Co. Roscommon.
Architect Name: Location Key: GREAT MEADOW/AUGHNAGRANGE
Electoral Division: Boyle Rural Part of Planner: Boyle
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 28/04/2008 Manager Order: pl614/08
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 43
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Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?: Yes
Expiry Date:
Decision Description: GRANT PERMISSION for the demolition of existing farm buildings and the construction of 84 new dwellings (only) and a new crèche facility for 40 children with 21 no. ancillary car parking spaces and a new Bring Centre. New storm water and foul water drainage system to connect into existing Local Authority drains located on the Boyle Road, the provision of a new attenuation pond, new pumping station and 2 no. new ESB sub stations and ancillary site works. This site includes part of the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/04/1919, and also includes the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/01/1598, and planning permission is sought for: (a) Change of site boundary in relation to PD/04/1919; (b) Omission of houses 8,9 and 10 in relation to PD/01/1598; (c) Modifications to access road to link up with adjoining development in relation to PD/04/1919 and PD/01/1598. Planning Permission is also sought for RETENTION of excavation and site development ground works (only) and REFUSE PERMISSION for change of site boundary in relation to PD/01/1598 (Application made for the demolition of existing farm buildings and the construction of 96 new dwelling houses, consisting of 7 no. two bedroom detached bungalows and 2 no. two bedroom semi detached bungalows, 3 no. three bedroom detached houses, 64 no. semi detached two storey three bedroom houses and 20 no. four bedroom semi -detached houses. A new Creche facility for 40 children with 21 no. ancillary car parking spaces and a new Bring Centre. New storm water and foul water drainage system to connect into existing Local Authority drains located on the Boyle road, the provision of a new attenuation pond, new pumping station and 2 no. new ESB sub stations and ancillary site works. This site includes part of the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/04/1919, and also includes the site with previous planning permission, Ref. No. PD/01/1598, and planning permission is sought for: (a) Change of site boundary in relation to PD/04/1919 and PD/01/1598; (b) Omission of houses 8,9 and 10 in relation to PD/01/1598; (c) Modifications to access road to link up with adjoining development in relation to PD/04/1919 and PD/01/1598. Planning Permission is also sought for RETENTION of excavation and site development ground works) at

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 26/05/2008 BP Reference #: 20.229382
Appeal Type: APPLICANT File Forward Date: 04/06/2008
Submission Due Date: 22/06/2008 Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: CONDITIONAL Decision Date: 05/12/2008
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: