for development which will consist of a single-storey, three bedroom dwelling, comprising of open plan kitchen and dining room, living room, evening room, assessible bathroom, w.c. and utility areas, new waste water treatment system and ancillary works at
Permission for development consisting of a single-storey, three bedroom dwelling, comprising of open plan kitchen and dining room, living room, evening room, accessible bathroom, wc., and utility area, new waste water treatment system and ancillary works at
Permission for the construction of a bungalow type dwelling house, entrance, boundary fence / wall, suitable on site sewerage system with polishing filter and all ancillary site works at
Retention Permission for the retention of existing groundworks which consists of a surface water drainage system together with Permission for the proposed construction of a bungalow type dwelling house, entrance, boundary fence/wall, suitable on site sewerage system with polishing filter and all ancillary site works at
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application