the junction of Macartan Road (N54) and the R162 Glen Road Monaghan County Monaghan
planning permission for development consisting of the construction of a single storey discount food store (to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of 1,814 sqm (net retail area 1,254 sqm). The development includes the erection of 1 no. internally illuminated sign and opening hours sign at vehicular entrance, 2 no. internally illuminated gable signs, 1 no. vinyl poster sign at entrance. The proposed development will be served by 91 no. car parking spaces and 20 no. cycle parking spaces. Vehicular and pedestrian access to the site will be provided from Macartan Road. The proposed development includes a standalone mini substation (7 sqm), external plant area, all engineering works, landscaping works, boundary treatments, access and site development works on the c. 0.69 hectare site
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application