Planning Application: 17453 (Monaghan County Council )
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Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Aldi Stores(Ireland) Limited
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
Permission to construct a single storey discount foodstore (to include off license use) with a gross floor area of 1,814 sq.m. (net retail area 1,254 sq.m.). The development includes the erection of 1 no. internally illuminated sign and opening hours sign at vehicular entrance, 3 no. internally illuminated gable signs, 1 no. poster sign and entrance glass signage. The proposed development will be served by 91 no. car parking spaces. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from Macartan Road. The proposed development includes all engineering works, landscaping works, boundary treatments and site development works on the 0.69 hectare site. Significant further information/revised plans provides for a revised culvert configuration, revised southern boundary treatment to the site and a response to the further information request items.
Development Address:
The junction of Macartan Road (n54) and the R162 (Glen Road), Monaghan Town, Co. Monaghan
Permission to construct a single storey discount foodstore (to include off license use) with a gross floor area of 1,814 sq.m. (net retail area 1,254 sq.m.). The development includes the erection of 1 no. internally illuminated sign and opening hours sign at vehicular entrance, 3 no. internally illuminated gable signs, 1 no. poster sign and entrance glass signage. The proposed development will be served by 91 no. car parking spaces. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from Macartan Road. The proposed development includes all engineering works, landscaping works, boundary treatments and site development works on the 0.69 hectare site. Significant further information/revised plans provides for a revised culvert configuration, revised southern boundary treatment to the site and a response to the further information request items.
junction of Macartan Rd./Glen Road Monaghan Co. Monaghan
Permission to construct a single storey discount foodstore ( to include off licence use) with a gross floor area of 1,814sq. m. (net retail area 1,254 sq.m.) The development includes the erection of 1 no. free standing double sided internally illuminated sign, 3 no. internally illuminated gables signs , 1 no. poster sign and entrance glass signage. The proposed development will be served by 83 no. car parking spaces. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from Macartan Road. The proposed development includes all engineering works, landscaping works, boundary treatments and site development works on the 0.69 hectares site
permission for works which will consist of the installation of a 3m wide x 1.5m high box culvert which will cross under the Glen Road and N54 Macartan Road and up Castle Road, upgrade the existing Ulster Canal outfall into the Shambles River, lowering the current weir in the Ulster Canal by approximately 0.5m and install 2no. 1200mm diameter pipes that run approximately 25m in length to connect to the new 3m wide x 1.5m high box culvert, remedial works to the Ulster Canal for a length of approximately 200m from the Glen Road to the proposed 2no. 1200mm diameter pipes inlet location, raising the level of the Castle Road and surrounding footpaths by up to 1.1m in height from the junction with the N54 - to 54.1m OD, the demolition and re-construction of part of the boundary wall in and around St Louis convent grounds (the wall is within the curtilage of protected structures), the temporary closure and relocation of the existing entrance into the credit union car park, and all associated site works.
retention permission for a proposed development consisting of temporary timber site hoarding at the subject site and its boundaries with Macartan Road and Glen Road. Planning permission is sought for a period of three years.
The junction of Macartan Road (n54) and the R162 (Glen Road) Monaghan Town
permission to construct a single storey discount foodstore (to include off license use) with a gross floor area of 1,814 sq.m. (net retail area 1,254 sq.m.). The development includes the erection of 1 no. internally illuminated sign and opening hours sign at vehicular entrance, 3 no. internally illuminated gable signs, 1 no. poster sign and entrance glass signage. The proposed development will be served by 91 no. car parking spaces. Vehicular access to the site will be provided from Macartan Road. The proposed development includes all engineering works, landscaping works, boundary treatments and site development works on the 0.69 hectare site.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application