Planning Application: 0840011 (Monaghan County Council )
File Number:
Application Type:
Planning Status:
Received Date:
Decision Due Date:
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Further Info Requested:
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Withdrawn Date:
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Decision Type:
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Leave to Appeal:
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Commenced Date:
Submissions By:
Applicant Details
Applicant name:
Messrs. Boylesports Ltd
Applicant Address:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
The development will consist/consists of:- The change of use of part of the existing retail premises to bookmakers on c.285 sq. m at ground floor level, new signage and refurbishment of existing shop front on facade; 3 no. satellite dishes located on flat roof at rear; conversion of existing mezzanine floor and voids above ground floor to office space of c114 sq. m additional to the existing office space at first floor level, new roof over part of the existing ground floor area at the rear; 2 no. new roof lights over proposed office at the rear; new windows and escape doors at the rear; new fire escapes from first and second floor levels at the rear, all associated site works at this premises formally known as Declan Loughman Sports shop
The development will consist/consists of:- The change of use of part of the existing retail premises to bookmakers on c.285 sq. m at ground floor level, new signage and refurbishment of existing shop front on facade; 3 no. satellite dishes located on flat roof at rear; conversion of existing mezzanine floor and voids above ground floor to office space of c114 sq. m additional to the existing office space at first floor level, new roof over part of the existing ground floor area at the rear; 2 no. new roof lights over proposed office at the rear; new windows and escape doors at the rear; new fire escapes from first and second floor levels at the rear, all associated site works at this premises formally known as Declan Loughman Sports shop
permission for a change of use of the existing vacant first and second floor restaurant/office use to bed and breakfast/hostel accommodation, alterations to the elevations, new access/escape stairs to the rear and renovations including the inclusion of a lightwell/courtyard on the first floor and all associated site development works
permission for change of use of the existing vacant first and second floor restaurant / office use to bed and breakfast / hostel accommodation, alterations to the elevations, new access / escape stairs to the rear and renovations including the inclusion of a lightwell / courtyard on the first floor and all associated site development works. Significant Further information submitted relates to, Site specific justification report, Site Plan & Proposed drawings
permission for a change of use of the existing vacant first and second floor restaurant / office use to bed and breakfast / hostel accommodation, alterations to the elevations, new access / escape stairs to the rear and renovations including the inclusion of a lightwell / courtyard on the first floor and all associated site development works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application