Planning application details ref: SH303433 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: SH303433 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: SH303433
Received Date: 08/01/2019 Decision Due Date: 29/04/2019
Validated Date: 08/01/2019 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 23/04/2019
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 11/02/2019

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Rockture 1 Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: An APPLICATION TO AN BORD PLEANALA.- SUBMISSIONS TO BE MADE DIRECTLY TO AN BORD PLEANALA. A Strategic Housing Development at lands to the north of the R147/ Dublin Road, Dunshauglin , Co. Meath. The lands are located to the south of Kelletts Grove and Coldricks Pass, To the east of Dunhshauglin Business Park, and to the north of the under construction housing development at The Willows. The proposed development consists of a residential development comprising of 913 no. residential units, A neighbourhood centre including 2 no. retail units, a cafe/ restaurant unit, a primary healthcare / gym, a community facility and childcare facility, all associated open space, a section of the Dunshauglin Outer Relief Road, Internal roads, cycle and pedestrian infrastructure, services and all other associated development on a site of c 28.3 Hectacres. The 913 no. proposed residential units proposed consist of 505 no. houses (single, two and three storey),186 no. Duplex units (three Storey), and 222 no. apartments ( four and five storey). The 505 no. houses proposed consist of the following: 45 no. 2 bedroom houses, 382 no. 3 bedroom houses (including 4 no. bungalows), 50 no. 4 bedroom houses (including 5 no. bungalows), 28 no. 4/5 bedroom houses (Three storey), The 186 no. duplex units consist of the following: 20 no. 1 bedroom duplex units, 84 no 2 bedroom duplex units, 73 no 3 bedroom duplex units, 9 no 4 bedroom duplex units, The 222 no. Apartment units consist of the following: 50 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 151 no. 2 bedroom apartments, 21 no. 3 bedroom apartments. The proposed neighbourhood centre facilities consist of a childcare facility with a GFA of 1282 sqm, a community facility with a GFA of 180 sqm, 2 no. retail units with a GFA of 1000 sqm and 190sqm, a cafe / restaurant unit with a GFA of 370 sqm and a primary healthcare/ gym unit with a GFA of 1040 sqm. The development includes the delivery of a section of the Dunshauglin Outer Relief Road from the phase 1 site boundary to the northern site boundary, including connections to adjacent lands, improvements to a section of Outer Relief Road delivered with the phase 1 development to the south, a bus bay and toucan crossing on the Dublin Road, all associated open space, boundary treatment, internal roads, cycle and pedestrian infrastructure, etc.
Development Address: Lands to the north of R147 (Dublin Road), Dunshauglin, Co. Meath
Architect Name: Paul Turley Location Key: UNDEFINED
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: None
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development




Decision Date: 23/04/2019 Manager Order: ABP
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 30
Grant Date: 19/06/2019 Grant Managers Order #: 303433
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?: Yes
Expiry Date: 22/04/2029
Decision Description: An APPLICATION TO AN BORD PLEANALA.- SUBMISSIONS TO BE MADE DIRECTLY TO AN BORD PLEANALA. A Strategic Housing Development at lands to the north of the R147/ Dublin Road, Dunshauglin , Co. Meath. The lands are located to the south of Kelletts Grove and Coldricks Pass, To the east of Dunhshauglin Business Park, and to the north of the under construction housing development at The Willows. The proposed development consists of a residential development comprising of 913 no. residential units, A neighbourhood centre including 2 no. retail units, a cafe/ restaurant unit, a primary healthcare / gym, a community facility and childcare facility, all associated open space, a section of the Dunshauglin Outer Relief Road, Internal roads, cycle and pedestrian infrastructure, services and all other associated development on a site of c 28.3 Hectacres. The 913 no. proposed residential units proposed consist of 505 no. houses (single, two and three storey),186 no. Duplex units (three Storey), and 222 no. apartments ( four and five storey). The 505 no. houses proposed consist of the following: 45 no. 2 bedroom houses, 382 no. 3 bedroom houses (including 4 no. bungalows), 50 no. 4 bedroom houses (including 5 no. bungalows), 28 no. 4/5 bedroom houses (Three storey), The 186 no. duplex units consist of the following: 20 no. 1 bedroom duplex units, 84 no 2 bedroom duplex units, 73 no 3 bedroom duplex units, 9 no 4 bedroom duplex units, The 222 no. Apartment units consist of the following: 50 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 151 no. 2 bedroom apartments, 21 no. 3 bedroom apartments. The proposed neighbourhood centre facilities consist of a childcare facility with a GFA of 1282 sqm, a community facility with a GFA of 180 sqm, 2 no. retail units with a GFA of 1000 sqm and 190sqm, a cafe / restaurant unit with a GFA of 370 sqm and a primary healthcare/ gym unit with a GFA of 1040 sqm. The development includes the delivery of a section of the Dunshauglin Outer Relief Road from the phase 1 site boundary to the northern site boundary, including connections to adjacent lands, improvements to a section of Outer Relief Road delivered with the phase 1 development to the south, a bus bay and toucan crossing on the Dublin Road, all associated open space, boundary treatment, internal roads, cycle and pedestrian infrastructure, etc.

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: