revision of Conditions of existing permission P.Ref. 95/781 (extension of sand and gravel pit workings on 4.9ha) relating to final restoration of the site. The revision of conditions is required to allow the restoration of the site by importation of inert materials (uncontaminated soils & stones) in accordance with existing Waste Permit WMP 2001/6
extension of the existing sand and gravel extraction area over an area of c.1.8 hectares on an overall site extension area of 7.26 hectares to supply the concrete batching plant permitted under Planning Reg. Ref SA/20073 and An Bord Pleanala Refererence PL17.130737 Permission is also sought for the construction of landscaped over burden storage mound on the southern boundary, advance boundary planting on part of the southern, western, northern and eastern boundaries and all associated site development and landscaping works. HGV movements generated by the proposal will be limited to a maximum of 30 no. two-way concrete truck movements per day and two cement supply trips per day. This quantum of HGV movements complies with the permitted level of traffic as per the planning permission granted under An Bord Pleanala's Ref. PL 17.130737. The proposal includes works to the site's existing vehicular entrance. Planning permission is sought for a period of 10 years. The planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Further information/revised plans have been submitted as part of this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application