1 no single storey building with a maximum building height of 8.433m comprising 1 no hire centre unit (gross floor area 2,170 sqm) and associated external storage area, 6 no enterprise units each with a gross floor area of 186 sq m (overall total gross floor area of 1,116sqm) a restaurant/cafe (440sqm) and plant and equipment rooms (42sqm). A new pedestrian access onto Athboy Road R154 is proposed, in addition to permitted access off the Dunderry Road and off the permitted section of the proposed distributor road to the east. The proposed development also includes connection to public drainage system and public water supply, 273 no car parking spaces (of which 80 are reserved to serve the permitted car showroom buildings in compliance with condition no 2 (a) PL.17.225883), landscaping and boundary treatment and all associated site development works above, at and below ground level. The site is bounded by the Athboy Road (R154) to the south and adjoins deevelopment permitted by An Bord Pleanala ref no PL17.225883 (Meath County Council PA Ref No TA70364) to the east and west including a permitted section of the proposed distributor road to serve the Blackfriary Local Area Plan Lands
The development, on a 3.14 hectare site, will consist of the construction of 1 no. retail warehouse unit with mezzanine level and service yard (gross floor area 4680sq.m), 8 no. enterprise units in two storey building (total gross floor area 2,638sq.m), 2 no. car sales units with associated forecourts and car service areas (total gross floor area 1060sq.m), new vehicular access onto the Dunderry Road, pedestrian access onto Athboy Road, new junction onto Athboy Road (R154) and construction of length of new distributor road (length of approximately 140m, and width of approximately 10.5m) to serve the Blackfriary Local Area Plan lands and proposed development, connection to public foul sewerage system and public water supply, 421 no. car-parking areas, and all associated site development works above, at and below ground level, including landscaping and boundary treatments. The site is bounded by the Dunderry Road to the west, the Athboy Road (R154) to the south, and the proposed distributor road to serve the Blackfriary Local Area Plan lands to the east
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application