demolition of existing disused agricultural buildings in Killaskillen and the demolition of an existing habitable house in Toor, and the extension of the existing limestone quarry over adjoining lands to the north, east & south. The existing limestone quarry is permitted to a depth of 5 no benches (10 metres AOD) and over an area of 24.8 hectares (Meath County Council Planning Reg Ref No 98/2026 and An Bord Pleanala Ref No PL17.111198). The proposed extension to the permitted limestone quarry will be a depth of 1 no bench (approximately 70 metres AOD) and will increase the surface area of the quarry by approximately 52.45 hectares over 3 no phases. The proposed development will result in a final overall extracted area of approximately 77.25 hectares and extend the life of the overall quarry by up to 20 years. The proposed development will not result in any increase to the associated permitted production capacity of the cement plant. The proposed development will be served by the existing on site haul road from the existing vehicular access point along the county road to the northeast of the site. The proposed development also comprises the construction of a new haulage ramp from the western boundary of the proposed extractive area;screening berms;landcaping;and all other site development works above and below ground;including the restoration of the final quarry void (extractive area). The proposed development is partially included within the boundary of the area covered by a licence under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 (Integrated Pollution Control Licence no PO 487-05) The proposed development is for the purpose of an existing activity which requires an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence from the Environmental Protection Agency under the first schedule of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003 on this site of 109.451 hectares approximately
an increase on the quantum and range of alternative fuels used in the cement manufacturing process to 95,000 tonnes per annum and to include the burning of Solid Recovered Fuel and waste shredded type chippings in the exisitng pre-heater and cement kiln. Planning permission was previously granted for the use of up to 50,000 tonnes of alternative fuels consisting of Meat and Bone Meal (Planning Reg. Ref. No. TA-50145). Planning permission was subsequently granted for the use of an additional range of alternative fuels including wood from construction and demolition activities, saw dusts from the sawmill and forestry industry, and a dried biosludge derived from the water treatment industry (Planning Reg. Ref. No. TA-60580). The proposed development is included within the boundary of the area covered by a licence under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992 (Integrated Pollution Control Licence No. PO-487-03 for the permitted cement plant, and a Proposed Draft Licence No. PD-487-04 relating to same). The proposed increase in the quantum and range of alternative fuels is for the purpose of an existing activity which requires an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence from the Environmental Protection Agency under the First Schedule of the Protection of the Environmental Act 2003
demolition of existing disused agricultural buildings in Killaskillen and the demolition of an existing habitable house in Toor, and the extension of the existing limestone quarry over adjoining lands to the north, east & south. The existing limestone quarry is permitted to a depth of 5 no benches (10 metres AOD) and over an area of 24.8 hectares (Meath County Council Planning Reg Ref No 98/2026 and An Bord Pleanala Ref No PL17.111198). The proposed extension to the permitted limestone quarry will be a depth of 1 no bench (approximately 70 metres AOD) and will increase the surface area of the quarry by approximately 52.45 hectares over 3 no phases. The proposed development will result in a final overall extracted area of approximately 77.25 hectares and extend the life of the overall quarry by up to 20 years. The proposed development will not result in any increase to the associated permitted production capacity of the cement plant. The proposed development will be served by the existing on site haul road from the existing vehicular access point along the county road to the northeast of the site. The proposed development also comprises the construction of a new haulage ramp from the western boundary of the proposed extractive area;screening berms;landcaping;and all other site development works above and below ground;including the restoration of the final quarry void (extractive area). The proposed development is partially included within the boundary of the area covered by a licence under Part IV of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 (Integrated Pollution Control Licence no PO 487-05) The proposed development is for the purpose of an existing activity which requires an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence from the Environmental Protection Agency under the first schedule of the Protection of the Environment Act 2003 on this site of 109.45 hectares approximately