the application site is located on part of a site granted planning permission in 2017 under PL.17.247489/P.A. Ref. No. TA/160093 that is currently under construction and known as "Efferknock". The development will consist of change of 5 no. permitted House Types D2.2 to permitted House Type D1.2 and external and internal revisions to House Types C1.1, C1.2, and D1.3 permitted under permission PL.17.247489/P.A. Ref. No. TA/160093, as varied under P.A. Ref. No. TA/171414. The revisions to Houses Types C1.1 and C1.2 comprise the omission of chimneys; optional provision of "velux" type roof windows; amendments to the front dormer window and reconfiguration of internal floorspace, In the case of House Type D1.2 the principal changes consist of the externalisation of chimney stacks; revisions to windows and doors in front, rear and side elevations; reconfiguration of internal floorspace; with optional provision of habitable roof space accommodation and "velux" type roof windows. The revisions proposed to House Type D1.3 consist of the optional provision of single storey sun room and habitable roof space; optional provision of "velux" roof type windows; externalisation of chimney stack; revisions to windows and doors in front, rear and side elevation and the omission of ground and first floor windows in side elevation. No change to the overall number, mix or type of dwellings is proposed. Similarly the proposed development does not involve any change to the permitted height of dwellings
Maudlin, Friarspark 2nd Division and Iffernock, Trim, County Meath
development at Maudlin, Friarspark 2nd Division and Iffernock, Trim, County Meath. The application site extends to 20.48ha and is bounded to the north by the Castle Close/Friars Park/AbbeyView residential areas, to the east by the Knightsbrook Manor residential area, to the west by Effernock Manor residential area and open fields and to the south by the Knightsbrook Hotel/Leisure Resort and Golf Course. Towards the northern part of the site is Friarspark House which the application site envelopes. The application is for planning permission for a period of 10 years. The proposed development will consist of the construction of a total of 382 no. residential dwellings comprising 367 no. houses and 15 no. apartments, a medical centre (gross floor area 259sq.m) and a creche (gross floor area 488sqm) The houses will be a mix of terraced, semi-detached and detached form and two storeys in height, all with optional photovoltaic solar panels and with specified house types having dormer-windows in roof slopes to facilitate the option to convert attic space of these dwellings to habitable accommodation. The 15 no. apartments are provided by way of 9 apartments in a three-storey stand-alone building and a further 6 apartments at first and second floor levels over the medical centre. The creche is contained in a 2 no. storey building. The creche and medical centre are linked at ground floor level. The development also provides for 3 no. electricity sub-stations and all associated site development works including alterations to ground levels, internal access roads, car parking, footpaths, open space, public lighting, landscaping and boundary treatments. Vehicular access to the development will be off the Regional Road (R154) and then via the residential estate road through the residential development known as Effernock Manor. An Environmental Impact Statement will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application. Significant Further Information/Revised plans submitted on this application
Maudlin, Friarspark 2nd Division and Iffernock, Trim County Meath
the application site extends to 0.92 hectares in area and forms part of the site of a permitted development (c.20. hectares in area) granted permission for residential development under ABP Ref. PL.17.247489/P.A. Ref. No. TA/160093. The development will consist of a change of house type and layout from that originally permitted under PL.17.247489/P.A. Ref. No. TA/160093 and is limited to the western part of the permitted development site only. The proposal will consist of the replacement of 4 previously permitted terraced dwellings with a pair of 2 storey semi-detached dwellings and 1 no. 2 storey detached dwelling; the replacement of 5 no. 2 storey detached dwellings with redesigned 2 storey detached dwellings; the provision of a new detached 2 storey detached dwelling; and repositioning of dwellings. In the event of a grant of permission the overall no. of dwellings will be 379. (The original no. of dwellings applied for was 382)
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application