auto centre and related users, to comprise of filling station, which will include under ground fuel storage tanks, car wash, service bay, canopy and associated shop, internal service road network with 2 no. entrances, parking area for trucks and vans, car parking and 12 no. units to accommodate auto trade, signage at west end of site and at both entrances together with signage which will include feature structure to incorporate welcome to heritage town and signage associated with filling station. The development also include outline planning permission for 2 no. car showrooms with parking areas and resturant with parking area also (Significant further infromation in relation to the altered site boundary which includes alterations to the R161 road)
Site No. 16, Trim Retail Park Kiltoome, Trim Co. Meath
the development will involve construction of a new single storey curved shaped office building with a mono-pitch roof and glazed front facade together with parking to the side and rear, signage, connection to on-site services and all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application