EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION - an extension by deepening to the existing quarry over an area of 16.1 hectares and all site development and associated landscaping, restoration and other ancillary works, Rathmolyon Quarry is an existing rock quarry authorised under planning register reference numbers 98/1981, An Bord Pleanála appeal reference number PL 17.111632, 00/2156, An Bord Pleanála appeal reference number PL 17125619 and TA/30258, An Bord Pleanála appeal reference nuber PL 17.206229
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION - an extension by deepening to the existing quarry over an area of 16.1 hectares and all site development and associated landscaping, restoration and other ancillary works, Rathmolyon Quarry is an existing rock quarry authorised under planning register reference numbers 98/1981, An Bord Pleanála appeal reference number PL 17.111632, 00/2156, An Bord Pleanála appeal reference number PL 17125619 and TA/30258, An Bord Pleanála appeal reference number PL 17.206229
a concrete batching plant, concrete block plant, block yard & associated development ref. 00/2156. Further information request necessitated substantial design alterations to the scheme, in particular the enclosure of the proposed block making facilities within a building & the omission of the proposed block yard. The proposed development now includes: a Concrete Batching Plant for export of approximately 25,000m per annum of concrete off site; a Concrete Block Plant, including a Concrete Batching Plant & Block Manufacturing Building, with a gross floor area of approximately 2,376 sq.m. for the manufacture & export off site of approximately 3 million blocks per annum & all associated infrastructure & structures including a materials feed hopper; 5 no. 50 tonnes capacity aggregate bins, two cement silos, conveyors, conveyor rails & belts, 2 number washout bays, a block storage area & all other associated development
the development will consist of a steel framed, metal clad building with mass concrete base walls (7.0m high with a gross floor area of 596 square metres) containing a workshop, storerooms and with an internal area to enclose the existing bunded fuel storage tanks; and a new forecourt hydrocarbon separator
the extension of an existing quarry over an area of 12.36 ha. Permission is also sought for the relocation of the car parking area, offices, canteen and staff facilities (92 sq. m approx.) permitted under reg. ref. 98/1981; the extension of the existing north-eastern quarry face from the extent permitted under reg. ref. 98/1981 (0.72 ha.); the reconfiguration of the banking and road layout permitted under reg. ref. TA/20222; the erection of 2 no. porta cabins for staff use (combined area 40 sq. m approx.); a storage shed (107 sq m approx.); ancillary toilet facilities; a septic tank and percolation area; and all site development and associated landscaping and restoration works. The development consists of the retention of the following: the extension of the north eastern quarry face from the extent permitted under reg. ref. 98/1981 (2.67 ha.); the processing area and associated processing equipment and storage areas to the northeast of the permitted location under reg. ref. 98/1981
permission for continued use of the previously permitted developments under planning refs. TA180039; TA160094; TA150309; TA70175 (PL17.227088); TA30258 (PL17.206229); 00/2156 (PL17.125619) and 98/1981 (PL17.111632) including extraction and processing on site, to include washing (with associated closed system silt settlement lagoons), screening and crushing; storage; stockpiling; related ancillary buildings and facilities including the concrete batching and block making facilities; Permission for a lateral extension to the existing permitted quarry extraction under planning ref. TA70175 (PL17. 227088) to give an overall extraction footprint of c. 19.2 hectares; Extraction of rock within the proposed extension area will be to the same depth as the current permitted quarry floor level of c.24m AOD under planning ref. TA70175 (PL17.227088); Realignment of the existing internal access road over a distance of c. 400m to release rock reserves beneath for extraction, with relocation of the existing weighbridge and office; Permission for an overburden storage area along the eastern site boundary covering an area of c.0.8 hectares; Permission for a construction and demolition waste recovery facility which provides for the importation, storage, processing and recovery of waste concrete arising from concrete plants operated by Kilsaran on a c.3.9 hectare site within the existing quarry and provision for a hardstanding area for stockpiling and crushing of waste materials and a waste inspection/quarantine shed; Restoration of the site to a combination of beneficial ecological and agriultural after-use; All associated site works within an overall application area of c.50.2 hectares and all for a period of 10 years plus 2 years to complete restoration works (total duration of 12 years). An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of this planning application. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application