a site of 3.96 ha, located immediately opposite (south east of) the existing main entrance to the Lagan Cement Plant, and which is part of the Applicants overall landholding in the townland of Killaskillen, Kinnegad, Co Meath. The development will consist of the construction of: a two storey data centre (including ancillary plant rooms, office accommodation and related services) with a gross floor area of 5,304 sq.m and a maximum height above ground level of 10.6m; an external acoustically screened back-up generator compound to the rear of the data centre; a new site entrance from the L8021 Local Road, opposite (south east of) the existing main entrance to the Lagan Cement Plant; and internal roads. The development will also consist of the provision of: a rooftop solar panel array on the data centre; 10 No. car parking spaces; cycle parking; a wastewater treatment system with associated reed bed and raised soil polishing filter; rainwater harvesting tanks; a surface water detention basin; landscaping works, including screening berms; and all other site development works above and below ground. Whilst the site of the proposed development is included within the boundary of an area covered by an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence (IPPC Licence No. P0487-06) under the Environmental Protection Agency Acts, 1992 (as amended), the application does not relate to development which comprises or is for the purposes of an activity requiring an IPPC Licence. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application (a Natura Impact Statement has been submitted)
Development Address:
Killaskillen, Kinnegad, Co Meath
Architect Name:
Gavin Lawlor
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Kathryn Hosey
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
a site of 3.96 ha, located immediately opposite (south east of) the existing main entrance to the Lagan Cement Plant, and which is part of the Applicants overall landholding in the townland of Killaskillen, Kinnegad, Co Meath. The development will consist of the construction of: a two storey data centre (including ancillary plant rooms, office accommodation and related services) with a gross floor area of 5,304 sq.m and a maximum height above ground level of 10.6m; an external acoustically screened back-up generator compound to the rear of the data centre; a new site entrance from the L8021 Local Road, opposite (south east of) the existing main entrance to the Lagan Cement Plant; and internal roads. The development will also consist of the provision of: a rooftop solar panel array on the data centre; 10 No. car parking spaces; cycle parking; a wastewater treatment system with associated reed bed and raised soil polishing filter; rainwater harvesting tanks; a surface water detention basin; landscaping works, including screening berms; and all other site development works above and below ground. Whilst the site of the proposed development is included within the boundary of an area covered by an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence (IPPC Licence No. P0487-06) under the Environmental Protection Agency Acts, 1992 (as amended), the application does not relate to development which comprises or is for the purposes of an activity requiring an IPPC Licence. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the installation of Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels on ground mounted frames/support structures within existing field boundaries; 2 No electrical transformer stations; electrical control units; 1 No. customer ring main unit; underground cabling and ducting; internal site access tracks; site perimeter (stock-proof) security fencing; with new vehicular access from L8021 serving eastern parcel; and from unnamed access road off L8021, serving western parcel; and all associated landscaping including screen planting; and site development works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the development will consist of the deepening of the north-western portion of the existing limestone quarry extraction area (as permitted by Meath County Council Planning Register Ref: TA900603) by four extractive benches to 10m OD, over an area of c. 4.13 hectares. The proposed development will not result in any increase to the annual output of the existing limestone quarry or to the production capacity of the existing cement plant. The proposed development will be served by the existing on-site haul road from the existing vehicular access point on the L8021. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) has been prepared in respect of this planning application. The application site forms part of EPA Industrial Emissions (IE) Licence Ref: P0487-07 for Breedon Cement Ireland Ltd.
development on a site of c. 6.295 hectares located in the townlands of Killaskillen and Coppagoggan. The development will consist of an increase in the quantum of alternative fuels used from 95,000 tonnes to 105,000 tonnes per annum in the cement manufacturing process. Specifically, the development proposed to include the burning of up to an additional 10,000 tonnes of Liquid Recovered Fuels per annum in the existing preheater and cement kiln comprising a maximum of 20,000 tonnes Liquid Recovered Fuels (the use of up to 10,000 tonnes of Liquid Recovered Fuels per annum was permitted under Meath County Council Planning Reg. Ref. No. TA/100444). This will not require any built structures as the fuels will be stored in existing bunded storage tanks at the cement plant (permitted as part of Reg. Ref. TA/40228). The application relates to development which comprises or is for the purposes of an activity requiring an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence (now replaced by an Industrial Emissions Licence). An Appropriate Assessment Statement has been submitted with this application
the development will consist of an increase in the quantum of alternative fuels used from 95,000 tonnes to 105,000 tonnes per annum in the cement manufacturing process. Specifically, the development proposes to include the burning of up to an additional 10,000 tonnes of Liquid Recovered Fuels per annum in the existing pre-heater and cement kiln comprising a maximum of 20,000 tonnes Liquid Recovered Fuels (the use of up to 10,000 tonnes of Liquid Recovered Fuels per annum was permitted under Meath County Council Planning Reg. Ref. No. TA100444). This will not require any built structures as the fuels will be stored in existing bunded storage tanks at the cement plant (permitted as part of Reg. Ref. TA/40228). The application relates to development which comprises or is for the purposes of an activity requiring an Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Licence (now replaced by an Industrial Emissions Licence) (Screening for Appropriate Assessment submitted)
for construction of an industrial building and related infrastructure for the purpose of providing an additional refinement process of the solid recovery fuel (SRF) currently used and authorised as an alternative fuel source in the cement manufacturing process as permitted under planning permission ref. TA/150677 & TA/800654. The development works shall consist of; (1) the construction of an industrial structure for the purpose of reception and refinement of the SRF materials:; (2) provision of associated external open yard area for vechicualr access and delivery; (3) extension of internal road network to facilitate vehicular access to the new building; (4) conveyor feed belt from the proposed industrial building to the existing SRF building inclusive of modified elevation of the existing SRF building to facilitate the transfer of the refined SRF waste materials to the existing fuel supply chain; and (5) all ancillary site development works including: (a) bypass petrol interceptor, (b) rainwater harvest system, (c) bore-well water supply, (d) underground "fire" water storage tank with pump and hydrant system, (e) connection to existing storm and foul water systems, (f) signage, and (g) perimeter fencing and landscaping. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the appllication
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application