Planning application details ref: TA120195 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: TA120195 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: TA120195
Received Date: 14/03/2012 Decision Due Date: 27/08/2012
Validated Date: 14/03/2012 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 04/05/2012 Further Info Received: 11/07/2012
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 24/08/2012
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 13/08/2012

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Lagan Cement Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the removal of the existing asphalt plant from its current location south of the existing limestone quarry on a circa 4.58ha site (as permitted under reg. ref. 01967) and its relocation to the north of the existing cement works on a circa 1.74ha site within the overall landholding of 269.625 hectares, located in the townland of Killaskillen, Kinnegad, Co Meath. The proposed development also provides for the amendment of reg. ref. TA70518 (concrete products production area permission) by the replacement of the permitted dry mortar plant with the relocated asphalt plant. The existing asphalt plant permission (reg. ref. 01967) will be rescinded when the relocation of the plant is completed. The proposed development comprises; the provision of an internal access route including two number roundabouts, two number weigh bridges and a surface water drainage system (all as permitted under reg. ref. TA70518): the relocation of the asphalt plant from its current location to the area intended for the permitted dry mortar plant (reg. ref. TA70518): and all other site development works above and below ground. All structures located within the existing asphalt plant area will be removed or demolished as appropriate to facilitate the permitted future quarrying of this area (reg. ref. TA900603). The administration and staff facilities buildings associated with the onsite cement works (within the overall land holding) will service the relocated asphalt plant. The proposed development will not result in any increase to the permitted production capacity of the asphalt plant of 80,000 tonnes per annum. The relocated asphalt plant itself, includes inter alia eight number inline cold feed bins, rotary dryer, high level screening and mixing tower, dust collection system, control cabin, three number mixed material storage silos, three number bitumen storage tanks and associated storage equipment, two number fuel tanks, an exhaust stack with the height of 34 meters, together with associated conveyors, plant and machinery and a four number bay covered aggregate store (781sqm). The proposed development is to occur on a site where permitted activities require an integrated pollution prevention and control licence under the environmental protection agency acts, 1992 and 2003. Given that the proposed activity (asphalt plant) is included within a licenced area, it is the applicant’s intention to provide for the proposed development within the IPPC licence... Significant FI
Development Address: Killaskillen, Kinnegad, Co. Meath
Architect Name: Location Key: KILLASKILLEN
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: Kathryn Hosey
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments: Significant Further information /Revised plans submitted on this application


Decision Date: 24/08/2012 Manager Order: T914/12
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 7
Grant Date: 01/10/2012 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 30/09/2017
Decision Description: the removal of the existing asphalt plant from its current location south of the existing limestone quarry on a circa 4.58ha site (as permitted under reg. ref. 01967) and its relocation to the north of the existing cement works on a circa 1.74ha site within the overall landholding of 269.625 hectares, located in the townland of Killaskillen, Kinnegad, Co Meath. The proposed development also provides for the amendment of reg. ref. TA70518 (concrete products production area permission) by the replacement of the permitted dry mortar plant with the relocated asphalt plant. The existing asphalt plant permission (reg. ref. 01967) will be rescinded when the relocation of the plant is completed. The proposed development comprises; the provision of an internal access route including two number roundabouts, two number weigh bridges and a surface water drainage system (all as permitted under reg. ref. TA70518): the relocation of the asphalt plant from its current location to the area intended for the permitted dry mortar plant (reg. ref. TA70518): and all other site development works above and below ground. All structures located within the existing asphalt plant area will be removed or demolished as appropriate to facilitate the permitted future quarrying of this area (reg. ref. TA900603). The administration and staff facilities buildings associated with the onsite cement works (within the overall land holding) will service the relocated asphalt plant. The proposed development will not result in any increase to the permitted production capacity of the asphalt plant of 80,000 tonnes per annum. The relocated asphalt plant itself, includes inter alia eight number inline cold feed bins, rotary dryer, high level screening and mixing tower, dust collection system, control cabin, three number mixed material storage silos, three number bitumen storage tanks and associated storage equipment, two number fuel tanks, an exhaust stack with the height of 34 meters, together with associated conveyors, plant and machinery and a four number bay covered aggregate store (781sqm). The proposed development is to occur on a site where permitted activities require an integrated pollution prevention and control licence under the environmental protection agency acts, 1992 and 2003. Given that the proposed activity (asphalt plant) is included within a licenced area, it is the applicant’s intention to provide for the proposed development within the IPPC licence... Significant FI

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: