the construction of Colaiste na hInse Post Primary School temporary accommodation for 3 years consisting of a part 2 storey part single storey temporary building of total area 1,772 sqm, comprising 12 general classrooms, science lab, home economics room, art and crafts room, computer room, construction studies room and ancillary accommodation. The temporary school will be constructed on a phased basis over 2 years commencing in year one with all accommodation excluding 3 no general classrooms. The additional 3 general classrooms being added in year 2. The works also include the provision for connection into the public sewers adjacent, the provision of a single storey ESB substation to supply power to the development, 36 no car parking spaces, 2 no external ball courts, bicycle spaces and all other associated site works. The car parking shall access off the existing site road leading to Scoil Oilibheir Naofa which is connected to the existing Laytown Road, with a setdown area outside the main gates of proposed temporary accommodation
Development Address:
Betaghstown & Ninch, Laytown, Co Meath
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Donal Farrelly
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Applicant response to appeal received by ABP 19/9/08
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
the construction of Colaiste na hInse Post Primary School temporary accommodation for 3 years consisting of a part 2 storey part single storey temporary building of total area 1,772 sqm, comprising 12 general classrooms, science lab, home economics room, art and crafts room, computer room, construction studies room and ancillary accommodation. The temporary school will be constructed on a phased basis over 2 years commencing in year one with all accommodation excluding 3 no general classrooms. The additional 3 general classrooms being added in year 2. The works also include the provision for connection into the public sewers adjacent, the provision of a single storey ESB substation to supply power to the development, 36 no car parking spaces, 2 no external ball courts, bicycle spaces and all other associated site works. The car parking shall access off the existing site road leading to Scoil Oilibheir Naofa which is connected to the existing Laytown Road, with a setdown area outside the main gates of proposed temporary accommodation
Colaiste Na hInse Coast Road, Ninch Laytown, Co. Meath
the development will consist of: The extension of granted temporary permission, Reg. Ref. FS9027 for a further five years for existing Colaiste na hInse Post Primary School temporary building. Developments will consist of the continued provision of an existing temporary 2 storey block containing 22 No. classrooms, 2 No. tuition rooms, staff room, principal's and school secretary's offices, stores, wcs, ancillary areas and associated existing site works
LMETB, on behalf Of Department Of Education & Skills
Colaiste Na h Iinse Coast Road, Ninch Laytown, Co. Meath
the retention and to extend the duration for a further 3 years for the existing temporary two-storey school building and associated existing on-site facilities, granted under previous planning reference no. SA/70140. We also apply for the retention and to extend the duration for a further 3 years for the two-storey gable infill extensions, granted under previous planning reference No. SA/100763. We also intend to apply for full planning permission for a new single storey temporary school building and associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application