Colaiste Na hInse Coast Road, Ninch Laytown, Co. Meath
the development will consist of: The extension of granted temporary permission, Reg. Ref. FS9027 for a further five years for existing Colaiste na hInse Post Primary School temporary building. Developments will consist of the continued provision of an existing temporary 2 storey block containing 22 No. classrooms, 2 No. tuition rooms, staff room, principal's and school secretary's offices, stores, wcs, ancillary areas and associated existing site works
LMETB, on behalf Of Department Of Education & Skills
Colaiste Na h Iinse Coast Road, Ninch Laytown, Co. Meath
the retention and to extend the duration for a further 3 years for the existing temporary two-storey school building and associated existing on-site facilities, granted under previous planning reference no. SA/70140. We also apply for the retention and to extend the duration for a further 3 years for the two-storey gable infill extensions, granted under previous planning reference No. SA/100763. We also intend to apply for full planning permission for a new single storey temporary school building and associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application