for amendment of Planning Application Ref: SA/60384 (PL17.220138) and subsequently extended Planning Application Ref: SA/130120. The amendment entails revision of permitted detached house numbers 455 to 460 inclusive to replace with 6 no. 4-bed detached dwellings and, revision of permitted house numbers 441 to 453 inclusive to replace with 10 no. semi-detached 3 & 4 bed dwellings, together with provision of on-curtilage car-parking and all associated site works
713 no two and three storey dwellings, comprising 70 no 3 bedroom 3-storey detached houses; 68 no. 2-storey 2 bedroom detached houses; 154 no. 3-storey 3 bedroom terraced houses; 232 no 3 storey 4 bed terrace units; 141 2-storey 2 bedroom terrace units 48 2-storey 3 bedroom terrace units; detached 2 storey creche+ community centre of area c615 sqm. The proposed development will also include a two storey retail/commercial neighbourhood centre of c.740 sq metres to comprise a ground floor retail unit of 394 sqm and first floor office space (class 2 and 3) of 346 sqm located to the south east of the subject site adjacent to Buttergate way; permissionis also sought for all site development and landscape works including infrasturctural works including ground water wells to service the development, internal roads; tow vehicular accesses off existing buttergate way; extension to buttergate way to provide internal access to the western portion of the lands and one new vehicular access of the R150 (church road); provision of a total of 1102 car parking spaces (10 car parking spaces to be provided for the neighbourhood centre and 30 to be provided for the creche + community centre) the remaining 1062 car parking spaces to serve the residential element of the scheme; boundary treatment; drainage; water supply; utilities; all on a site of approximatela 20.0414 hectares in area. An Environmental Impace Statement will be submitted to the planning authority
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF. NO. SA/60384 - residential development of 713 houses, creche and community centre and neighbourhood centre on a site of c. 20 ha
for amendment of Planning Application Ref: SA/60384 (PL17.220138) and subsequently extended Planning Application Ref: SA/130120. The amendment entails revision of permitted detached house numbers 455 to 460 inclusive to replace with 6 no. 4-bed detached dwellings and, revision of permitted house numbers 441 to 453 inclusive to replace with 10 no. semi-detached 3 & 4 bed dwellings, together with provision of on-curtilage car-parking and all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application