an amended layout incorporating associated amendments to site development works and services from that previously approved and a reduced number of houses from 107 no. to 88 no. as follows: 52 no. two storey, three bedroom semi-detached (Types A, A1 & B- 109sqm); 22 No. two storey four bedroom semi-detached (Types C & C1- 125sqm); and 14 No. two storey four bedroom detached houses (Types D & D1- 146sqm). The development includes distributor road previously approved under reg. ref. SA802128. The development also includes services previously granted permission under reg. ref. SA802128: an underground foul sewer pumping station and an overground control station; landscaped public open space; foul and surface water drainage; site edvelopment works; ESB substations; traffic calming measures; bicycle lanes and pedestrian crossing; footpaths; boundary treatments; and, streetlighting. The development also includes for the connection of all services including water, sewage, drainage and roads to those granted under reg. ref. SA802128
an amended layout incorporating associated amendments to site development works and services from that previously approved and a reduced number of houses from 107 no. to 88 no. as follows: 52 no. two storey, three bedroom semi-detached (Types A, A1 & B - 109sqm); 22 No. two storey four bedroom semi-detached (Types C & C1 - 125sqm); and 14 No. two storey four bedroom detached houses (Types D & D1 - 146sqm). The development includes distributor road previously approved under Reg. Ref. SA/802128. The development also includes services previously granted permission under reg. ref. SA/802128: an underground foul sewer pumping station and an overground control station; landscaped public open space; foul and surface water drainage; site dvelopment works; ESB substations; traffic calming measures; bicycle lanes and pedestrian crossings; footpaths; boundary treatments; and street lighting. The development also includes for the connection of all services including water, sewage, drainage and roads to those granted under Reg. Ref. SA/802128. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
townland of Donacarney Gr Civil Parish of Colp Bettystown Co. Meath
370 no two storey dwellings with a mix of:130 no 4 bed detached, 34 no 4 bed semi detached, 15 no 4 bed townhouses, 17 no 3 bed detached, 81 no 3 bed semi detached, 52 no 3 bed townhouses, 2 no 3 bed terraced houses, 49 no 2 bed townhouses, a 2 storey creche of 215 sq m and a single storey retail/commercial neighbourhood centre comprising the following: creche (283sqm) and 2 no local retail units (114sqm). The development includes a distributor road as per the East Meath Local Area Plan linking Brabazon Drive and the Golf Links Road (r151) with a distributor road built as part of the development of lands to the west, ultimately connecting with the Eastham/Donacarney Road (R150). The development also includes: underground sewage pumping station and overground control station; landscaped public open space; 660 no car parking spaces, creche set down areas, foul and surface water drainage, site development works including surface water attentutation works and all other associated site development works inlcuding ESB substations, traffic calming measures, bicycle lanes and pedestrian crossings footpaths, boundary treatments and street lighting all on a site of 14.57 hectares (36 acres). This application is accompanied by a detailed Traffic Impact Assessment report and an Archaelogical Assessment of this site.Further information/revised plans submitted for this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application