for extraction over an area of c.2.2 hectares on an overall site of 4.49ha, to supply the concrete batching plant permitted under planning ref. SA20073 and An Bord Pleanala PL17.130737. The permitted concrete plant has been temporarily decommissioned and is being stored on site pending the outcome of this application which seeks to relocate the plant. The relocated batching plant will be used for the duration of extraction on the subject site, which will be in the order of 5 years. Planning permission is also sought for installation of a wheel wash facility close to the entrance of the site; alterations to site entrance and gate walls; erection of a portacabin (site office); construction of a landscaped overburden storage and screening mound on the southern boundary of the extension area; erection of a timber post and wire fence to define and protect restored areas; advance boundary planting on part of the southern, western, northern and eastern boundaries of the site; upgrading of the existing site entrance ; and, limitation of HGV movements to and from the site to a maximum of 30 no. truck movements per day (i.e. 15 no.loads/return trips) plus 2 no. cement supply trips per day. This quantum of HGV movements complies with the permitted level of traffic by the planning permission granted under An Bord Pleanala's Ref. PL 17.130737. The Planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)