the demolition of the existing 28 bed single storey nursing home on this site and construction of a new detached 61 bed two storey nursing home, alterations to the existing vehicular entrance from Main Street with revised car parking layout incorporating 16 car spaces plus set-down area, a detached refuse storage enclosure and all ancillary site works
Silvergrove Nursing Home, Main Street, Clonee, Co. Meath
EXTENTION OF DURATION - the construction of a 35 bedroom extension to the rear of the existing nursing home in both single storey and two storey construction. The extension will also include a new main entrance, dining areas, day space areas, oratory, mortuary, meeting room and other such services ancillary to the running of the nursing home. It is also proposed to construct a self contained bin storage shed and plant room shed, carparking, associated landscaping and all ancillary siteworks. Further Information/Revised Plans submitted on File Reg. Ref. DA/60605 for the development
Silvergrove Nursing Home Main Street Clonee, Co Meath
the demolition of the existing 28 bed single storey nursing home on this site and construction of a new detached 61 bed two storey nursing home, alterations to the existing vehicular entrance from Main Street with revised car parking layout incorporating 16 car spaces plus set-down area, a detached refuse storage enclosure and all ancillary site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application