File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
21897 |
12/05/2021 Wednesday |
Austin Boyle & Dr Susan Keenan, |
18 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5 bedroom B TYPE detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29Ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (Ref RA191174). Alterations to include internal layout changes to provide larger master bedroom and study at first floor and to relocate 2 bedrooms up to existing attic level. (Total 5 bedroom), new chimney, new gable windows, velux rooflights, additional first floor rear balcony, covered link between house and garage, and laundry room with rear window in garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne, all within the overall site of approx. 255 Ha (a protected structure) |
211045 |
C |
31/05/2021 Monday |
Austin Boyle & Dr Susan Keenan |
18 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5 bedroom B-TYPE detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29Ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (Ref RA191174). Alterations to include internal layout changes to provide larger master bedroom and study at first floor and to relocate 2 bedrooms up to existing attic level. (Total 5 bedroom), new chimney, new gable windows, velux rooflights, additional first floor rear balcony, covered link between house and garage, and laundry room with rear window in garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne, all within the overall site of approx. 255 Ha (a protected structure) |
211399 |
22/07/2021 Thursday |
Conor & Ariane Bell |
15 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
the development comprising of alterations to design of 1no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom E-Type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at loughmore walk /the burrows (ref: RA/191174). Alterations to include internal layout changes to provide ground floor study, revised ground floor bedroom, new stairs from first floor to existing attic level, new attic bedroom and bathroom (total 6-bedrooms), new gable window, revised windows to bedrooms 4 & 5, 2no. velux rooflights, to rear, covered link between house and garage, and gym with rear window in garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrance to Killeen castle demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 ha(a protected structure) |
211577 |
C |
13/08/2021 Friday |
Conor & Ariane Bell |
15 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
alterations to design of 1no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom E-Type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk /The Burrows (ref: RA/191174). Alterations to include internal layout changes to provide ground floor study, revised ground floor bedroom, new stairs from first floor to existing attic level, new attic bedroom and bathroom (total 6-bedrooms), new gable window, revised windows to bedrooms 4 & 5, 2no. velux rooflights to rear, covered link between house and garage, and gym with rear window in garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrance to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 ha(a protected structure) |
212020 |
C |
19/10/2021 Tuesday |
Dr Khalid Khan & Dr Humera Khan, |
20 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5 bedroom E-type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29 ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (ref. RA/191174). Alterations to include front, side & rear extensions, internal layout changes at ground and upper floors, extended rear dormer and balcony, new stairs from first floor to existing attic level providing new library, bathroom and study, new rooflights, revisions to elevations, attached garage with carport link to house, new rear window and gym in garage, re-levelling sloped rear garden down to flat lawn with 1.5m high stone faced retaining wall at rear of garden. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne, all within the overall site of approx. 255 ha (a protected structure) |
212182 |
C |
16/11/2021 Tuesday |
Ian and Niamh McNally, |
16 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
change of design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey, 4-bedroom D-Type detached house & garage with associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29HA, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (Ref RA/191174). The proposal to include change to new house type comprising 2 storey plus attic, 5-bedroom house with attached garage and covered rear patio. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 ha (a protected structure) |
212212 |
C |
22/11/2021 Monday |
Barry & Maria Greaney, |
14 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
change of design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom A-type detached house & garage with associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29HA, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (ref RA/191174). The proposal to include change of house type to new 2-storey plus attic, 5-bedroom house with basement, single storey link between house and garage and covered rear patio. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 ha (A Protected Structure) |
212291 |
C |
07/12/2021 Tuesday |
Maria Bray, |
17 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom C-type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (Ref RA/191174). The proposal to include change to new house type comprising 2-storey, 4 bedroom house with detached garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255ha (a protected structure) |
2250 |
C |
20/01/2022 Thursday |
Sasula Unlimited Company, |
Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany Co Meath |
alterations to 13 no. 2 storey detached house types (permitted Plot Nos. 62-74) and development for associated site development and landscape works of a previously permitted residential scheme under Reg Ref DA/802274 (as extended by Reg Ref RA/180960) comprising overall of 135 no. dwellings (comprising 83 no. detached dwellings, 49 no. courtyard house and 3 no. gate lodges). The development now proposed comprises alterations to 13 no. of the already permitted detached houses now proposed to comprise of 2 no. 4 bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type D) each with a detached single storey garage (c. 34sqm each) and on individual plots of between c0.24-c.0.25ha, 2 no. 4 bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type DC), each with an attached single storey garage/study (c.34sqm each) and on individual plots of between c 0.27-c 0.29ha, 6 no. 5 bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Types A & C) each with a detached single storey garage(c 34sqm each) and on individual plots of between c 0.26-c.0.32ha, 3 no. 5 bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Types AC & CC), each with an attached single storey garage/study (c 34sqm each) and on individual plots of between c 0.27-c. 0.35ha. Each unit is served by 2 no. carparking spaces (26 no. in total) and associated site development and landscape works to include; boundary treatments and adjustments to permitted plot boundaries at two no. house plots (permitted House Plot Nos. 62 and 74). The vehicular access is as otherwise permitted via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All on a site of approximately c 3.63ha within the overall approx. 255ha Killeen Castle Demesne (a protected structure), Dunsany, Co Meath |
22317 |
11/03/2022 Friday |
Daniel Mihoe |
9, The Burrows, Killeen Castle, Dunsany, Co. Meath |
the retention of alterations to the planning granted for 1 no 2 storey, 5 bedroom, Type E detached house and garage and all associated site works which was part of planning register reference RA/191174. The alterations include: - a) the addition of new window to the front elevations in the guest WC, b) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the office, c) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the bedroom 1 ensuite, d) the widening of the west facing window in the drawing room, e) the conversion of the attic to storage space and a studio, f) the addition of a new window into the gable end of the studio, g) the addition of 4 no rooflights to the rear elevation of the roof, h) the conversion of the existing garage into a gym, plant room and WC with a new window to the front elevation of the WC, i) the addition of a new large window to the rear elevation of the gym, j) the addition of 2no rooflights to the west elevation of the gym and all associated site works |
22338 |
C |
16/03/2022 Wednesday |
Noife Blackwell |
Plot 13, Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
alterations and extension to previously approved two storey detached dwelling and detached garage and associated site development/landscaping works, with a site area of 0.29 Ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows, (Reg. Ref.: RA/191174). The alterations will consist of A) omission of bay windows in living room (west elevation) and drawing room (south elevation) resulting in a reduction in floor area of 7.57sq/m, B) length of ground floor study and first floor bedroom 5 increased by 1.8 m at front (east elevation) resulting in additional floor area of 18 sq/m, C) increase in width and depth of detached garage (additional floor area of 8.7 sq/m) with covered area to rear (west) of garage and covered link between house and garage, D) additional windows and door on side (north) elevation, E) increase in width of bedroom no. 5window at front (east) elevation and F) increase in height of window of bedroom no. 5 window at front (east) elevation and F) increase in height of window of bedroom 2 at rear (west) elevation. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255Ha (a Protected Structure) |
22360 |
22/03/2022 Tuesday |
Emma & Shane Waldron, |
3 The Burrows Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
development comprising of alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom A-type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works with a site area of 0.31HA, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (Ref RA/191174). Alterations to include reduction in size from 336m2 to 276m2, internal layout changes including reduction from 5 to 4 bedrooms, minor alterations to fenestration, revised door to utility, new bathroom window to side gable, enlarged garage with new side and rear windows, re-levelling sloped rear garden down to a flat lawn with stone faced retaining wall at rear of garden and associated site development & landscape works. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 HA (A protected structure) |
22400 |
C |
01/04/2022 Friday |
Emma & Shane Waldron |
3 The Burrows Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development comprising of alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom A-type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works with a site area of 0.31HA, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (Ref RA/191174). Alterations to include reduction in size from 336m2 to 276m2, internal layout changes including reduction from 5 to 4 bedrooms, minor alterations to fenestration, revised door to utility, new bathroom window to side gable, enlarged garage with new side and rear windows, re-levelling sloped rear garden down to a flat lawn with stone faced retaining wall at rear of garden and associated site development & landscape works. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 HA (A protected structure) |
22464 |
C |
08/04/2022 Friday |
Daniel Mihoc |
9, The Burrows, Killeen Castle, Dunsany, Co. Meath |
the retention of alterations to the planning granted for 1 no 2 storey, 5 bedroom, Type E detached house and garage and all associated site works which was part of planning register reference RA/191174. The alterations include: - a) the addition of new window to the front elevations in the guest WC, b) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the office, c) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the bedroom 1 ensuite, d) the widening of the west facing window in the drawing room, e) the conversion of the attic to storage space and a studio, f) the addition of a new window into the gable end of the studio, g) the addition of 4 no rooflights to the rear elevation of the roof, h) the conversion of the existing garage into a gym, plant room and WC with a new window to the front elevation of the WC, i) the addition of a new large window to the rear elevation of the gym, j) the addition of 2no rooflights to the west elevation of the gym and all associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application |
221043 |
C |
09/08/2022 Tuesday |
Francis Hoey & Lorna Malone, |
10 The Burrows Killeen Castle, Killeen Dunsany, Co Meath |
the retention & completion of revised domestic garage and retention of existing site layout from that previously granted under planning reference RA191174, including all associated site works |
221051 |
C |
11/08/2022 Thursday |
Steven & Carol Waites |
22 Loughmore Square Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development consisting of internal alterations and single storey rear extension to existing two storey detached house, a new detached study/games room and detached garage at lower level courtyard with driveway to Loughmore walk, and associated site development works |
221074 |
C |
16/08/2022 Tuesday |
Adrian Tamas, |
2 The Burrows Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
development comprising of alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom B-type detached house & garage and associated site development and landscape works with a site area of 0.29ha at 2 The Burrows, Killeen Castle Demesne, Dunsany, Co Meath, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows ref RA/191174. Alterations to include attic conversion with new stairs, internal layout, changes at ground and upper floors, extended rear dormer and balcony, new velux roof lights, revisions to fenestration on elevations, extended garage with carport link to house. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne all within the overall site of approx. 255 ha (a protected structure ) |
221261 |
26/09/2022 Monday |
Dennis Marusciac |
12 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development comprising of alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom C-type detached house & garage and associated site development and landscape works, with a site area of 0.28ha, at 12 Loughmore Walk, Killeen Castle Demesne, Dunsany, Co. Meath, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loughmore Walk/The Burrows (Ref RA/191174). Alterations to include new rear extension, internal layout changes at ground and upper floors, attic conversion with new stairs, revisions to elevations of house and garage, new velux roof lights, extended garage with gym, new door and covered carport link to house, the vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 ha. (a protected structure) |
221633 |
14/12/2022 Wednesday |
Audrey & Ross Clarke |
No. 5 The Burrows Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
the development comprising of change of design of 1no. permitted 2 storey 4-bedroom D-type detached house & garage with associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.32HA, being part of a previously permitted residential residential development of 22 houses at Loghmore Walk/The Burrows (ref RA/191174). The proposal to include change of house type to new 2-storey, 4-bedroom house and single storey link between house and garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall, site of approx. 255 ha (a protected structure) |
221693 |
C |
21/12/2022 Wednesday |
Audrey & Ross Clarke |
No. 5 The Burrows Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
the development comprising of change of design of 1no. permitted 2 storey 4-bedroom D-type detached house & garage with associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.32HA, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 22 houses at Loghmore Walk/The Burrows (ref RA/191174). The proposal to include change of house type to new 2-storey, 4-bedroom house and single storey link between house and garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall, site of approx. 255 ha (a protected structure) |
23159 |
C |
20/02/2023 Monday |
Gavan & Kate Daly |
12 The Paddocks Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
alterations to design of 1 no. permitted 2 storey 5-bedroom CH-Type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.27HA, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 13 houses at The Paddocks (Ref: 22/50). Alterations to include internal layout changes to provide ground floor study and boot room, new stairs from ground floor to attic floor level, new attic bedroom and bathroom (total 6-bedrooms), revised fenestration new gable window, 2 no. velux rooflights to rear, covered link between house and garage and gym with rear window in garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne, all within the overall site of approx. 255HA (A Protected Structure) |
23447 |
C |
25/04/2023 Tuesday |
Khalid & Humera Khan |
20 Loughmore Walk Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co. Meath |
alterations to previously permitted design of 1no. 2 storey 5-bedroome-type detached house & garage and associated site development & landscape works, with a site area of 0.29ha ref (21/2020). Alterations to include amended kitchen window size, additional stone cladding to facade, new gable windows and new garage door and new window to side of garage. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 ha (a protected structure) |
23593 |
C |
07/06/2023 Wednesday |
Henrikas & Indre Aukstakis, |
13 The Paddocks Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
alterations to design of a permitted detached garage and associated site development works, with a site area of 0.25ha, being part of a previously permitted residential development of 13 houses at The Paddocks (ref 22/50) alterations to consist of enlarged garage with covered link to house. The vehicular access is as previously permitted via the existing internal roads & entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne. All within the overall site of approx. 255 ha (a protected structure) |
24220 |
22/05/2024 Wednesday |
Ross & Audrey Clarke |
No. 5 The Burrows Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany, Co Meath |
change to the elevations of the previously permitted design (Ref 22/1693) including the addition of windows on the East and West elevations and change to windows on the front and rear elevations |
DA50416 |
C |
11/10/2005 Tuesday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle Demense Dunsany Co. Meath |
development comprising revisions to a previously permitted hotel, conference centre, golf course with clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate (a protected structure)under planning permission re, ref. 00/1670 (An Bord Pleanala ref. PL 17.125108). The proposed development comprises a revised design, position and layout of the previously permitted 123 dwellings to now provide for 9 no. two storey three bedroom detached dwellings, 47 no. two storey four bedroom detached dwellings, 20 no. two storey four/five bedroom detached dwelling (including optional study/bedroom), 14 no. two storey five bedroom detached dwellings, all the above with either detached or attached garages; 2 no. two bedroom and 68 no. three bedroom two storey courtyard dwellings; permitted Courtyard 1 is |
DA70167 |
C |
26/03/2007 Monday |
Snowbury Ltd. |
Killeen Castle Demense/ Loughmore Stud Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development comprising revisions to 159 no. dwellings previously permitted under reg ref DA/50416. The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type to 83 no. detached permitted dwellings so as to now consist of 14 no. part one and predominantly two storey 4-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types A); 6 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types ER&HR);8 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached single storey garage (house type QR); 10 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached single storey garage (house type Q); 45 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types BR,CR,E&X all refer); an increase in individual house plot sizes to range in size from c.0.21HA 0 C.0.59HA is also proposed to each of the 83 no. detached dwellings. This application also(continuation of description attached) |
RA180960 |
U |
22/08/2018 Wednesday |
Sasula Unlimited Company |
Killeen Castle Demense Dunsany Co Meath |
to development comprising of inter alia; revisions to 83 no. detached dwellings, 49 no. courtyard houses and 3 no. gate lodges previously permitted under Reg. Ref. DA/50416 & DA/70167 |