repair and refurbish the existing mill, a protected structur and change of use from derelict former saw mill to private guesthouse/hostel accomodation. The proposed development includes the demolition of an existing derelict one storey lean to stone shed to the soutwest corner of the mill together with a four storey lift and staircase structure to the north elevation. The renovated building will accommodate a four storey guesthouse/hostel including shop and exhibition space at ground floor and a restaurant at first floor level. It is also proposed to construct a row of 5 new, two storey, three bedroom self catering holiday cottages and to demolish and replace the unsightly two storey extension to the existing house currently used as B&B accommodation with a new single storey extension. All the necessary parking facilities are to be located to the north of the mill, contained discretely within low banks of earth. The proposal includes the installation of a 113 person equilavent waste treatment plant and a single lane running traffic signal arrangement at Bective Bridge, in order to improve access and safety to the site and nearby bridge
repair and refurbish the existing mill, a protected structure and change of use from derelict former saw mill to private guesthouse/hostel accomodation. The proposed development includes the demolition of an existing derelict one storey lean to stone shed to the soutwest corner of the mill and the consturction of a new two storey service extension to the southwest corner of the mill together with a four storey lift and staircase structure to the north elevation. The renovated building will accommodate a four storey guesthouse/hostel including shop and exhibition space at ground floor and a restaurant at first floor level. It is also proposed to construct a row of 5 new, two storey, three bedroom self catering holiday cottages and to demolish and replace the unsightly two storey extension to the existing house currently used as B&B accommodation with a new single storey extension. All the necessary parking facilities are to be located to the north of the mill, contained discretely within low banks of earth. The proposal includes the installation of a 113 person equilavent waste treatment plant and a single lane running traffic signal arrangement at Bective Bridge, in order to improve access and safety to the site and nearby bridge. Further Information/Revised Plans from that previously submitted under Planning Ref no NA/800614 have been submitted to the Planning Authority
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application