Balmoral Industrial Est., Kells Road, Navan Co Meath
change of use from medical equipment manufacturer and associated administration to car dealership/showrooms and associated offices to part of former Welch Allyn Building
the development consists of the partial demolition of existing business premises A1 (187 sq. m) and A2 (187 sq. m), within a single storey pitched corrugated roof building and the development of a 3 No. storey over basement car park retail, cinema and commercial building comprising of 1 no. Ground Floor glazed Retail Units comprising of 300 m2 net retail space and 4 No. existing relocated Business premises units of (1604 m2). First Floor comprises of an 8 No. screen Cinema for Showtime Cinemas (2378 sq. m) with upper floor staff area and projection level (433 sq. m) all over basement car park with 130 spaces (3200 m2) and new and reconfigured infrastructure works, access road and additional external surface car park (2886 m2) with 115 spaces along with associated drainage works and hard and soft landscape works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the upgrading, reconfiguration and change of use of existing car showroom and retail units to provide for 2 no. car showrooms (781 sq.m), workshop (563 sq.m.), parts store (150 sq.m.) and ancillary staff facilities and public toilet (109 sq.m.) The proposed development will also include: 2 no. free standing double sided signs, upgrades to the existing signage and shopfronts including new glazing and cladding, reconfiguration of the existing car park and yard to provide for 92 no. car parking spaces, concrete paved forecourt area and reconfiguration of internal road. The proposed development includes all engineering works, landscaping works, boundary treatments and site development works on the approx. 0.70 hectare site. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application