The Board Of Management at St Joseph's Mercy Primary School
Applicant Address:
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Applicant Details
Proposed Development
Development Description:
the cast-iron gate piers facing Railway Street is a protected structure and will be retained in its current location. The development will consist of partial demolition, 2-storey extension & refurbishment of existing 2-storey school building & single-storey GP Hall, removal of existing pre-fabricated temporary accommodation units, relocation of existing pedestrian site entrance to the east of the site facing Railway Street, relocation of the existing vehicle site entrance to the south of the site facing Leighsbrook Lodge, new boundary treatments to the north and east of the rear section of the site and all associated site works
the cast-iron gate piers facing Railway Street is a protected structure and will be retained in its current location. The development will consist of partial demolition, 2-storey extension & refurbishment of existing 2-storey school building & single-storey GP Hall, removal of existing pre-fabricated temporary accommodation units, relocation of existing pedestrian site entrance to the east of the site facing Railway Street, relocation of the existing vehicle site entrance to the south of the site facing Leighsbrook Lodge, new boundary treatments to the north and east of the rear section of the site and all associated site works
The Board Of Management at St Joseph's Mercy Primary School
St. Joseph's Mercy Primary School Railway Street Navan, Co. Meath
partial demolition, 2-storey extension & refurbishment of existing 2-storey school building & single-storey GP Hall, removal of existing pre-fabricated temporary accommodation units, relocation of existing pedestrian site entrance to the east of the site facing Railway Street, relocation of the existing vehicle site entrance to the south of the site facing Leighsbrook Lodge, new boundary treatments to the north and east of the rear section of the site and all associated site works
the replacement of two no. single storey disused prefabricated buildings with two no. new single storey prefabricated buildings as classrooms and associated site development works
the erection of 2 no semi detached, prefabricated class rooms at first level over existing prefabricated classrooms inclusive of toilets, stairwells, exits and ramps at the rear
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application