to demolish existing habitable single storey type dwelling and (1) to construct 12 no. two storey type houses with living accommodation provided to third floor attic space comprising of: 1 no. detached house type A, 1 no. detached house type B and 10 no. semi-detached house type C (2) provide accesses onto existing public road (3) connect to existing services (4) complete all ancillary site works. Significant Further information / Revised plans submitted on this application
residential development consisting of 10 units, comprising of 5 two bed apartments and 5 three bed duplex units with a maximum height of 3 storeys with 14 surface carparking spaces. Also site development works, vehicular access, landscaping, and open space
to demolish existing habitable single storey type dwelling and (1) to construct 12 no. two storey type houses comprising of 2 no. detached house type A and 10 no. semi-detached house type B (2) provide accesses onto existing public road (3) connect to existing services (4) complete all ancillary site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application