alterations to previously approved development (Reg. LB170428) which permitted the construction of 65 no. two-storey dwellings on 'Site A'. The proposed alterations consist of minor revisions to the approved site layout including: (i) reduction in road widths within the approved development; (ii) House No.'s 32-33 changed from House Type C to House Type A (the development now comprising 38 no. three bedroomed semi-detached units (House Type A) with roof lights on rear roof slope and optional room at attic level, 20. no. four bedroom semi-detached units (House Type C1/C2/C3) and; 7 no. four bedroom detached units (House Type D1/D2/D3) with roof lights on rear roof slope and optional room at attic level); (iii) omission of previously approved footbridge under Reg. Ref. LB170428, linking 'SiteA' and Site C; and (iv) amendments to previously approved landscaping within flood zone area. The development also includes for landscaped open space, car parking, foul and surface water drainage, ESB substations, boundary treatments, street lighting and all ancillary site developemnt works necessary to facilitate the development
Development Address:
Donacarney Great, Mornington, and Betaghstown, Civil Parish of Colp, Bettystown, Co Meath
Architect Name:
James Glancy
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
alterations to previously approved development (Reg. LB170428) which permitted the construction of 65 no. two-storey dwellings on 'Site A'. The proposed alterations consist of minor revisions to the approved site layout including: (i) reduction in road widths within the approved development; (ii) House No.'s 32-33 changed from House Type C to House Type A (the development now comprising 38 no. three bedroomed semi-detached units (House Type A) with roof lights on rear roof slope and optional room at attic level, 20. no. four bedroom semi-detached units (House Type C1/C2/C3) and; 7 no. four bedroom detached units (House Type D1/D2/D3) with roof lights on rear roof slope and optional room at attic level); (iii) omission of previously approved footbridge under Reg. Ref. LB170428, linking 'SiteA' and Site C; and (iv) amendments to previously approved landscaping within flood zone area. The development also includes for landscaped open space, car parking, foul and surface water drainage, ESB substations, boundary treatments, street lighting and all ancillary site developemnt works necessary to facilitate the development
Donacarney Great Mornington and Betaghstown Civil Parish of Colp
construction of 65 no. two-storey dwellings (consisting of 36 no. three bedroom semi-detached units (House Type A)with rooflights on the rear roof slope and optional room at attic level; 22 no. four-bedroom semi-detatched units (House Type C1,C2,C3);and 7 no. four-bedroom detached units (House Type D1,D2,D3) with rooflights on rear roof slope and optional room incorporating an ensuite at attic level. The application site is 'Site A' of the development approved under Reg. Ref. SA802128 (extended under Reg. Ref. SA130733 to 16th December 2018). The development included the construction of a section of distributor road including associated junctions to connect to the section of distributor road as part of 'Site C'('Cois Na Mara' currently under construction on foot of Reg. Refs. SA802128, SA 120620, LB160183, LB160582, LB160647and LB170020) as per the East Meath Local Area Plan 2014-2020 to Castlemartin Drive to the west. The development also includes landscaped open space including pedestrian footbridge over Mornington Stream, roadways, car parking, foul and surface water drainage, ESB substations, boundary treatments, street lighting and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development. The application seeks a 7-year permission.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application