22480 |
C |
13/04/2022 Wednesday |
Boann Distillery Limited |
Platin Road Bryanstown, Drogheda Co. Meath |
a whiskey maturation warehouse facility. The proposed development includes the construction of 1 no. warehouse building of c. 3246 sq.m for whiskey maturation and a machinery shed with solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on both buildings. The development also fire water retention pond, sewerage treatment unit and associated infrastructure, a new vehicular access to the Platin Road (R152), car parking, hard and soft landscaping and all associated site development works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application |
23401 |
C |
13/04/2023 Thursday |
Boann Distillery Limited, |
Boann Distillery Bryanstown, Platin Road Drogheda, Co Meath |
1. Change of use of former showroom and warehouse spaces to new distillery and visitors' centre, restaurant, retail area, tasting rooms, kitchen, including preparation and servery area, laboratory, associated stores and offices all within existing buildings, 2. Removal of existing steps and ramp at front main entrance and proposed new raised terrace and seating area, with new steps and ramp, along with proposed new double doors and sliding doors on the southwest elevation and blocking up of 3 no. existing doors and 1 no. existing window on the southeast elevation, 3. Amendments to material finish of front main entrance of existing building along with changing the door types to create a new lobby area, 4. Relocation of existing steps from basement level at northeast of existing warehouse building, and proposed new staff entrance with steps and ramped access, 5. Proposed new exit door and stepped escape route to northwest elevation of existing warehouse building, 6. Construction of proposed new extension to west of existing warehouse building to house proposed new heat pump and plant,
7. Proposed new first floor offices, along with stairway access to proposed new first floor mezzanine area, along with all other interior alterations within existing warehouse & distillery spaces, 8. Site development works, including alterations to existing vehicle entrance, car parking, disabled car parking, car parking for electrical vehicles, bus parking, as well as hard & soft landscaping along with proposed new lighting throughout the site, 9. All associated site works.
LB151365 |
17/12/2015 Thursday |
Harvest Distilling & Brewing Ltd. |
Lagavooren, Platin Road Drogheda Co. Meath |
for permission and permission for retention of developments. The development consists of:- A. Change in layout of whiskey storage area granted planning permission under planning reference LB141038, to incorporate new keg filling area, cider process area including external tank, mezzanine area and covering of existing ramp to basement. B. New fire water storage tank with pump house and associated site development works. C. Retention permission of ESB sub-station, with adjoining switch room and pump house |