construction of 109 detached 2-storey houses consisting of 16 no. five-bed houses, 67 no. four-bed houses and 26 no. three-bed houses, vehicular access with pedestrian and cyclist facilities, diversion and culverting of existing watercourse, provision of storm water attenuation, provision of public play areas including 2 no. tennis courts, a club house and associated car-parking and all associated site works
construction of 109 detached 2-storey houses consisting of 16 no. five-bed houses, 67 no. four-bed houses and 26 no. three-bed houses, vehicular access with pedestrian and cyclist facilities, diversion and culverting of existing watercourse, provision of storm water attenuation, provision of public play areas including 2 no. tennis courts, a club house and associated car-parking and all associated site works
713 no two and three storey dwellings, comprising 70 no 3 bedroom 3-storey detached houses; 68 no. 2-storey 2 bedroom detached houses; 154 no. 3-storey 3 bedroom terraced houses; 232 no 3 storey 4 bed terrace units; 141 2-storey 2 bedroom terrace units 48 2-storey 3 bedroom terrace units; detached 2 storey creche+ community centre of area c615 sqm. The proposed development will also include a two storey retail/commercial neighbourhood centre of c.740 sq metres to comprise a ground floor retail unit of 394 sqm and first floor office space (class 2 and 3) of 346 sqm located to the south east of the subject site adjacent to Buttergate way; permissionis also sought for all site development and landscape works including infrasturctural works including ground water wells to service the development, internal roads; tow vehicular accesses off existing buttergate way; extension to buttergate way to provide internal access to the western portion of the lands and one new vehicular access of the R150 (church road); provision of a total of 1102 car parking spaces (10 car parking spaces to be provided for the neighbourhood centre and 30 to be provided for the creche + community centre) the remaining 1062 car parking spaces to serve the residential element of the scheme; boundary treatment; drainage; water supply; utilities; all on a site of approximatela 20.0414 hectares in area. An Environmental Impace Statement will be submitted to the planning authority
EXTENSION OF DURATION OF PLANNING PERMISSION REF. NO. SA/60384 - residential development of 713 houses, creche and community centre and neighbourhood centre on a site of c. 20 ha
construction of 225 no. 2-storey houses consisting of 13 no. 4 bed detached units, 33 no. 4 bed semi-detached units and 179 no. 3 bed semi-detached units, diversion and culverting of existing watercourse, provision of storm water attenuation (both above and below ground) provision of public play areas and all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application