development will consist of: To demolish existing dwelling & shed and to construct 58 No. dwellings comprising of the following: (A) 10 No. 1 bed single storey dwellings comprising of 4 No. semi-detached units and 2 No. blocks of 3 units (B) 36 No. 2 bed two storey dwellings, comprising of 6 No. semi-detached units, 6 No. blocks of 3 units and 3 No. blocks of 4 units (C) 10 No. 3 bed two storey dwellings, comprising of 6 No semi-detached units and 1 No. block of 4 units (D) 2 No. 4 bed two storey semi-detached dwellings (E) form new service roads & entrance onto public road from Connaught Street, (F) form connections to all public services, install foul sewer pumping station, together with all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application
development will consist of: To demolish existing dwelling & shed and to construct 58 No. dwellings comprising of the following: (A) 10 No. 1 bed single storey dwellings comprising of 4 No. semi-detached units and 2 No. blocks of 3 units (B) 36 No. 2 bed two storey dwellings, comprising of 6 No. semi-detached units, 6 No. blocks of 3 units and 3 No. blocks of 4 units (C) 10 No. 3 bed two storey dwellings, comprising of 6 No semi-detached units and 1 No. block of 4 units (D) 2 No. 4 bed two storey semi-detached dwellings (E) form new service roads & entrance onto public road from Connaught Street, (F) form connections to all public services, install foul sewer pumping station, together with all associated site works. A Natura Impact Statement will be submitted to the planning authority with the application. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application