a mixed use development consisting of 45 no. new dwellings (terraced, semi-detached, detached and duplexes) to include 10 x 2 bedroom dwellings, 32 x 3 bedroom dwellings, 3 x 4 bedroom dwellings and a total of 4 no. commercial units totalling 390 sq. m (GFA), all with ancillary and public car parking provision (totalling 115 car spaces) and the provision of new vehicular and pedestrian access onto the site linking cavan street and cogan street, together with new vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear of the existing oldcastle house hotel; all associated works; landscaping and infrastructure services provisions including new pumping station and enclosure.
development will comprise of a mixed use development consisting of 43 No. new dwellings (Terraced, Semi-Detached, Detached and Duplexes) to include 10 x 2 bedroom dwellings, 32 x 3 bedroom dwellings, 1 x 4 bedroom dwelling and a total of 4 No. commercial units totalling 390 sq.m (GFA), all with ancillary and public car parking provision (totalling 114 car spaces) and the provision of new vehicular and pedestrian access onto the site linking Cavan Street and Cogan Street with a signalised junction at Cogan Street; with new vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear of the existing Oldcastle House Hotel; all associated works; Landscaping and Infrastructure services provisions including new pumping station and enclosure. Significant Further information/ Revised plans submitted on this application
a mixed use development consisting of 45 no. new dwellings (terraced, semi-detached, detached and duplexes) to include 10 x 2 bedroom dwellings, 32 x 3 bedroom dwellings, 3 x 4 bedroom dwellings and a total of 4 no. commercial units totalling 390 sq. m (GFA), all with ancillary and public car parking provision (totalling 115 car spaces) and the provision of new vehicular and pedestrian access onto the site linking Cavan Street and Cogan Street, together with new vehicular and pedestrian access to the rear of the existing Oldcastle House Hotel; all associated works; landscaping and infrastructure services provisions including new pumping station and enclosure. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application