File No |
Staus |
Type |
Decision |
Received Date |
Name |
Development Address |
Description |
001670 |
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18/08/2000 Friday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle Dunsany Co Meath |
a six year permission for development comprising revised design & layout of previously permitted hotel, golf club, conference centre, residential golf course & carparking, elements of overall development under planning permission register 97/199......... |
22317 |
11/03/2022 Friday |
Daniel Mihoe |
9, The Burrows, Killeen Castle, Dunsany, Co. Meath |
the retention of alterations to the planning granted for 1 no 2 storey, 5 bedroom, Type E detached house and garage and all associated site works which was part of planning register reference RA/191174. The alterations include: - a) the addition of new window to the front elevations in the guest WC, b) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the office, c) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the bedroom 1 ensuite, d) the widening of the west facing window in the drawing room, e) the conversion of the attic to storage space and a studio, f) the addition of a new window into the gable end of the studio, g) the addition of 4 no rooflights to the rear elevation of the roof, h) the conversion of the existing garage into a gym, plant room and WC with a new window to the front elevation of the WC, i) the addition of a new large window to the rear elevation of the gym, j) the addition of 2no rooflights to the west elevation of the gym and all associated site works |
22464 |
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08/04/2022 Friday |
Daniel Mihoc |
9, The Burrows, Killeen Castle, Dunsany, Co. Meath |
the retention of alterations to the planning granted for 1 no 2 storey, 5 bedroom, Type E detached house and garage and all associated site works which was part of planning register reference RA/191174. The alterations include: - a) the addition of new window to the front elevations in the guest WC, b) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the office, c) the addition of a new window to the east elevation in the bedroom 1 ensuite, d) the widening of the west facing window in the drawing room, e) the conversion of the attic to storage space and a studio, f) the addition of a new window into the gable end of the studio, g) the addition of 4 no rooflights to the rear elevation of the roof, h) the conversion of the existing garage into a gym, plant room and WC with a new window to the front elevation of the WC, i) the addition of a new large window to the rear elevation of the gym, j) the addition of 2no rooflights to the west elevation of the gym and all associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application |
231139 |
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18/12/2023 Monday |
Sasula Unlimited Company |
Killeen Castle Demesne (a protected Structure) Dunsany Co Meath |
The proposed development comprises 65 no. dwelling units and are proposed within Killeen Castle Demesne comprising of 3no. Gate Lodges and the remainder in defined development areas known as Plot no's 1-8, 10, 13-15, 17 and 19 The Oakwood, 1-11 The Longwood, 1-14 The Orchards, 1-7 the Abbey and 4-19 Hunters.Yard; all to replace 66. no dwelling units previously permitted (under planning Reg. Ref. DA/802274 and RA/180960) and therefore does not result in any increase in permitted dwellings at Killeen Castle Demesne as a result. The proposed development consists of:
• 6 no. 5-bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type A and House Type AH) c. 328 sq.m each, each with a detached single storey garage (34 sq.m), all on individual plots;
• 5 no. 5-bedroom 2 storey detached dwelling (House Type AC and House Type ACH) c. 328 sq.m each, each with an attached covered car port and single storey garage (c. 34 sq.m), all on individual plots;
• 4 no. 4-bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type Band House Type BH), c. 367 & 368sq.m each, each with an attached covered car port and single storey garage (c. 34sq.m), all on individual plots;
• 11 no. 5-bedroom 2 storey detached dwelling (House Type C and House Type CH) c. 336 sq.m each, each with a detached single storey garage (c. 34 sq.m), all on individual plots;
• 2no. 5-bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type CC) c. 336 sq.m each, each with an attached covered car port and single storey garage (c. 34 sq.m), all on individual plots;
• 11 no. 4-bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type DC and OCH), c. 323 sq.m each, each with an attached covered car port and a single storey garage (c. 34 sq.m), all on individual plots;
• 2 no. 4-bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type DH), c. 322 sq.m each, each with a detached single storey garage (c. 34 sq.m), all on individual plots;
• 4no. 5-bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type E), c. 409 sq.m each, each with an attached covered carport and single storey garage (c. 34 sq.m each), all on individual plots;
• l no. 5 -bedroom 3 storey over basement detached dwelling (House Type F) c. 949.95 sq.m and with a detached garage (c.98.97 sq.m), all on a single plot;
• 3no. 4 -bedroom 2 storey detached dwellings (House Type G}, c. 241.4 sq.m each, each with an attached garage (c. 32 sq.m), all on individual plots;...………….. (Full Description in f/users/planning/planningdecisions/iplandescriptionupdates)
97199 |
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20/02/1997 Thursday |
Snowbury Ltd. |
Killeen Castle Dunsany Co. Meath |
a revised housing layout & associated minor modifications & also revised phasing to proposed development under Planning Ref. No. 97/199 comprising a t |
DA40560 |
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20/12/2004 Monday |
Snowbury Ltd. |
Killeen Castle Dunsany Co. Meath |
development comprising alterations to a previously permitted scheme under Planning Permission Register Reference 00/1670 (An Bord Pleaanala Ref: PL17.125108)comprising Hotel, conference centre, golf course and clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate (A protected structure)and Loughmore Stud, Dunsany, Co. Meath. The hotel development as permitted under reg Ref. 00/1670 involves the restoration and use of Killeen Castle along with a linked new build element. The alterations now proposed comprise a revised design and layout to the new build element of the permitted hotel to provide a new structure varying in height from one to four storeys over part basement incorporating a single storey link to the castle with a total gross floor area of 24,477sq.m. comprising 151 no. bedrooms and 19 no. suites, spa and leisure centre(c.3,200sq.m. gross floor area). Conference centre (c.2,650sq.m. gross floor area), 3 no.bars (overall gross floor area c. 323 sq.m.)and 1 no. cafe (c.335sq.m. gross floor area). The overall development comprising the permitted castle restoration and the revised new build element as now proposed results in a reduced gross floor area of c. 27,970 sq.m. (c. 34,132 sq. m. gross floor area previously permitted) and a total of 181 no. bedrooms and suites (202 no. bedrooms and suites previously permitted) with a reduced building footprint of 12,160sq.m.(17,255sq.m. previously permitted) incorporating a basement level and third floor level over part of the building. No alterations are proposed to the castle (which is a protected structure) as part of this application in terms of its permitted restoration, layout or use with the gross floor area of the permitted castle restoration to remain c. 3,493sq.m. The proposed development involves the relocation of 193 no. permitted car parking spaces from the front of the castle (Southeast) to a location further North and the reduction in number to 136 no. spaces and all associated site development and landscape works. Vehicular access to the proposed development is via the previously permitted internal road network and entrances. There is no change to the development as permitted under Reg Ref. 00/1670 save for revisions specifically described in this application. The proposed development under this application is all on a site approximately 5.2 hectares in area |
DA50170 |
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29/04/2005 Friday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle Demense Dunsany Co. Meath |
revisions to a previously permitted hotel, conference centre, golf course and clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate(a protected structure)under planning ref 00/1670 (An Bord Pleanala ref PL 17.125108). The proposed development comprises a revised design and layout of the previously permitted golf course now to consist of an 18 hole golf course, with 1 no short game academy area, and 1 no practice area; minor revisions are sought to the previously permitted internal road network; relocation of permitted helicopter landing pad; site development and landscape works, including the provision of buggy path; vehicular access to the proposed development is via the previously permitted entrances under planning permission ref 00/1670, with the Killeen Castle entrance serving as the main entrance to the development; all on a site of 117.4ha.(A separate planning application will be made shortly which will include for revisions to ancillary golf course accommodation including weather shelters/refreshment/WC buildings) |
DA50416 |
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11/10/2005 Tuesday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle Demense Dunsany Co. Meath |
development comprising revisions to a previously permitted hotel, conference centre, golf course with clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate (a protected structure)under planning permission re, ref. 00/1670 (An Bord Pleanala ref. PL 17.125108). The proposed development comprises a revised design, position and layout of the previously permitted 123 dwellings to now provide for 9 no. two storey three bedroom detached dwellings, 47 no. two storey four bedroom detached dwellings, 20 no. two storey four/five bedroom detached dwelling (including optional study/bedroom), 14 no. two storey five bedroom detached dwellings, all the above with either detached or attached garages; 2 no. two bedroom and 68 no. three bedroom two storey courtyard dwellings; permitted Courtyard 1 is |
DA60303 |
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30/06/2006 Friday |
Snowbury Ltd. |
Killeen Castle Estate incl. Loughmore Stud Dunsany, Co. Meath |
modifications and alterations to a previously permitted scheme under reg ref 00/1670(An Bord Pleanala reg ref PL17.125108 and reg ref DA/40560 comprising hotel, conference centre, golf course and clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate Demesne (a protected structure) and Loughmore Stud. The overall hotel development as permitted under reg ref 00/1670, as revised by reg ref DA/40560, involves the restoration and use of Killeen Castle along with a linked new build element. The modifications and alterations now proposed comprise a revised design and layout to the new build element of the permitted hotel to provide a new structure varying in height from one to three storey's over part basement incorporating a single storey link to the castle (a protected structure) with a total gross floor area of c.20,900sq.m (reduced from c.24,477sq.m previously permitted under reg ref DA/40560)now comprising a total of 151 no. bedrooms and 19 no. suites; spa and leisure centre (c.1,905sq.m gross floor area); conference centre (c.1,855sq.m gross floor area), 2 no. bars(gross floor area c.185sq.m)and 1 no. cafe (gross floor area c.210sq.m);all associated site development and landscape works. Vehicular access to the proposed development is via the previously permitted internal road network and entrances (reg ref DA/50416 refers). The overall hotel development comprising the permitted Castle restoration and the revised new build element as now proposed results in a reduced gross floor area of c.24,050sq.m (c.27,970sq.m gross floor area previously permitted)and a total of 181 no. bedrooms and suites with a reduced building footprint of 10,400 sq.m (c. 12,160sq.m previously permitted). No revisions are proposed to the Castle as part of this planning application in terms of its permitted restoration, layout or use. The development under this application is all on a site approximately 3.7 hectares in area |
DA60309 |
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03/07/2006 Monday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle and Loughmore Stud Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development comprising modifications and alterations to a previously permitted scheme under reg. ref. 00/1670 and reg. ref. DA/50416 comprising hotel, conference centre, golf course and clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Demesne (a protected structure) and Loughmore Stud. The alterations now proposed comprise a revised location of the permitted golf course maintenance facility from the eastern perimeter of the site, adjacent to the Loughmore entrance (reg. ref. DA/50416 refers), to a new location within the centre of the site, situated north east of Killeen Castle (a protected structure). The golf course maintenance facility now proposed comprises of a single storey maintenance building (Building 1) with mezzanine level (c.661 sq.m in total)and a separate single storey ancillary building (c. 73.5 sq.m. in total). This application also provides an external maintenance yard (c. 864 sq.m. in total) comprising of external storage bays and machinery parking area and other ancillary facilities required for golf course maintenance; 1 no. single storey ESB sub-station (c. 4.5 sq.m. in total)and 1 no. ESB mini pillar; all associated site development and landscape works, including regrading works. Vehicular access to the proposed development is via a proposed new access road off Road 1 of the previously permitted internal road network (reg. ref. DA/50416 refers). The development under this application is all on a site of approximately c.0.815 ha in area |
DA60346 |
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27/07/2006 Thursday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle Demense /Loughmore Stud Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development on lands to the west and southeast of Killeen Abbey, at Killeen Demense(a protected structure), including Loughmore Stud, comprising modifications and alterations to a previously permitted scheme under reg. ref. 00/1670(An Bord Pleanala ref. PL.17.125108). The extant permission provides for hotel,conference centre, golf course and clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle Estate Demense(a protected structure). The development as permitted under reg. ref. 00/1670 involves the restoration and use of Killeen Castle (a protected structure). The revisions now proposed consist of a revised layout and change of use from the permitted golf clubhouse facilities under reg. ref. 00/1670 to hotel uses at the lower ground floor and upper ground floor levels of Killeen Castle (a protected structure). This application also proposes the demolition of the existing 2 storey dwelling (total gross floor area c.235sq.m) located to the Northwest of Killeen Castle Estate, a protected structure and erection of a new stand alone golf clubhouse comprising of a single storey structure over part basement with a total gross floor area of c.2,895 sq.m. to the west of Killen Abbey. The golf clubhouse now proposed includes restaurant/bar (total gross floor area c.260 sq.m), members bar (total gross floor area c.99 sq.m.), boardroom/multi-purpose room (total gross floor area c.148 sq.m.), golf pro-shop (total gross floor area c. 127 sq.m.),68 no. golf buggy parking spaces at basement level (total gross floor area c. 636 sq.m.)and other ancillary facilities normally associated with a golf clubhouse; 1 no. single storey ESB sub-station (total gross floor area c. 4.5 sq.m) located to the east of the proposed new golf clubhouse; external service yard switchroom (c.8 sq.m in total); all associated site development and landscape works, including regrading works. Car parking associated with the golf course and clubhouse facility have been previously permitted. Vehicular access to the proposed development is via a proposed new access road off Road 11 of previously permitted internal road network (reg. ref. DA/50416 refers). The development under this application is all on a site of approximately c1.74 ha in area within the overall site |
DA60351 |
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28/07/2006 Friday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle Estate &Loughmore Stud Dunsany Co. Meath |
development comprising revisions to previously permitted development under reg ref DA/50416 at Killeen Castle Estate Demense (a protected structure)and Loughmore Stud. The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type and increase in individual plot size to only 3 no. detached permitted dwellings(previously Site no. 9 (house type D),Site no. 12 (house type B) & Site no. 16 (house type D)all located along the eastern perimeter of the Demense). The provisions now proposed consist of the following; Site No 9 now comprises a part one and predominantly two storey dwelling over basement (the basement incorporates ancillary accommodation associated with the dwellinghouse)with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house type A)on an increased plot size of c.0.32ha; Site No.12 now comprises a part one and predominantly two storey dwelling over basement (the basement incorporates ancillary accommodation associated with the dwellinghouse)with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house type E)on an increased plot size of c.0.23ha; Site No 16 now comprises a part one and predominantly two storey dwelling over basement (the basement incorporates ancillary accommodation associated with the dwellinghouse) with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house type X) on an increased plot size of c.0.3 ha; all associated site development and landscape works: (The total number of dwellings to be provided remains at 162 no. as permitted under reg. ref. DA/50416). Vehicular access to the proposed development is via the previously permitted internal road network and entrances (reg. ref. DA/50416 refers). The development proposed under this application is all on a site of approximately 0.85 hectares in area. Further Information was submitted for this application |
DA60601 |
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12/12/2006 Tuesday |
Snowbury Ltd. |
Kileen Castle Demesne including Loughmore Stud Dunsany Co. Meath |
development comprising modifications and alterations to hotel and golf related car parking and coach parking areas previously permitted scheme under Register Reference 00/1670 and DA/40560, and alterations and modifications to the landscaped areas previously permitted under Reg. Ref. DA/50416 and DA/60309. The revisions now proposed involve (a) the relocation of 136 no. permitted car parking spaces from the front (north) of the new build element of the permitted hotel (Reg. Ref. DA/60303 refers) to a location further south in front of the hotel and involves an increase to 228 no. car parking spaces, (b) a (see attached continuation of description) |
DA60641 |
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22/12/2006 Friday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle Demense/ Loughmore Stud Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development comprising revisions to 159 no. dwellings previously permitted under reg ref DA/50416. The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type to 83 no. detached permitted dwellings so as to now consist of 14 no. part one and predominantly two storey 4-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types A); 6 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types ER&HR);8 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached single storey garage (house type QR); 10 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached single storey garage (house type Q); 45 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types BR,CR,E&X all refer); an increase in individual house plot sizes to range in size from c.0.21HA 0 C.0.59HA is also proposed to each of the 83 no. detached dwellings. This application also(continuation of description attached) |
DA70167 |
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26/03/2007 Monday |
Snowbury Ltd. |
Killeen Castle Demense/ Loughmore Stud Dunsany, Co. Meath |
development comprising revisions to 159 no. dwellings previously permitted under reg ref DA/50416. The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type to 83 no. detached permitted dwellings so as to now consist of 14 no. part one and predominantly two storey 4-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types A); 6 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types ER&HR);8 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling with attached single storey garage (house type QR); 10 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached single storey garage (house type Q); 45 no. part one and predominantly two storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part basement with attached two storey garage with habitable space above (house types BR,CR,E&X all refer); an increase in individual house plot sizes to range in size from c.0.21HA 0 C.0.59HA is also proposed to each of the 83 no. detached dwellings. This application also(continuation of description attached) |
DA70512 |
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07/09/2007 Friday |
Snowbury Ltd. |
Killeen Castle Demesne including Loughmore Stud Dunsany Co. Meath |
development on lands at Killeen Castle Demesne (protected structure) comprising a new single storey Greenhouse located within the existing Walled Garden to the northwest of Killeen Castle, with a gross floor area of c.53.4 sq.m., and a single storey Security Hut with a gross floor area of c.10.25 sq.m. located to the north east of entrance no. 2, on the approach road to Killeen Castle and Golf Club. This application also includes all associated site development and landscape works. Access to the formal garden, including the proposed greenhouse, within the Walled Garden is proposed via the 6 no. access points, 2 no. provide vehicular access (opening no.1&6) and 4 no.provide pedestrian access only (opening no.2,3,4&5), as permitted under Reg Ref. DA/60601. Access to the Security Hut is via Entrance no. 2 off the C474 Road, which provides access to the existing approach road to Killeen Castle, The development under this application is all on a site of approximately c.0.062 Ha in area within the overall site at |
da120851 |
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21/09/2012 Friday |
Jennifer and Eoghan Wallace, |
Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany Co Meath |
change of house type at House Site No. 31 of the overall development permitted under Register Reference DA/802774 at Killeen Castle Demesne (a Protected Structure). The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type at House Site No. 31 from a part one and predominantly two-storey 5 bedroom dwelling over part optional basement with optional attic conversion and attached two-storey garage with habitable space above (House Type X1+) (c.1098 sq.m overall including garage, optional basement and optional attic conversion) to a 2 storey (plus accommodation in the attic) 6 bedroom dwelling with attached single storey garage (c. 475.6 sq.m overall); all related site development and landscape works within House Site No. 31. Vehicular access to the proposed dwelling is via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne as previously permitted. All on a site of c. 0.836 Ha, within the overall approx. 255 Ha at |
DA130190 |
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15/03/2013 Friday |
Jennifer & Eoghan Wallace, |
House Site No. 31 Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany |
permission for a development, comprising of a change of house type at House Site No. 31 of the overall development permitted under Register Reference DA/802774 at Killeen Castle Demesne (a Protected Structure), Dunsany, Co. Meath. The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type at House Site No. 31 from a part one and predominantly two-storey 5-bedroom dwelling over part optional basement, with optional attic conversation and attached two-storey garage with habitable space above (House Type X1+) (c. 1098 sq.m. overall including garage, optional basement and optional attic conversion) to a 2 storey 6-bedroom dwelling, with optional attic conversion (c.73.7sq.m) - (c. 355.7 sq.m overall, including optional attic conversion); all related site development and landscape works within House Site No. 31. Vehicular access to the proposed dwelling is via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne as previously permitted. All on a site of c.0.646 Ha, within the overall approx. 255 Ha at Killeen Castle Demesne (a Protected Structure) |
DA140089 |
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17/02/2014 Monday |
Snowbury |
Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany Co. Meath |
a development comprising the infill provision of 5 no. additional dwellings comprising of 2 no. two storey 4-bed semi-detached houses, 2 no. two storey 3-bed semi-detached houses and 1 no. two storey 4-bed detached house and all associated site development and landscape works on a combined site area of c. 0.33 ha located within Loughmore Square within the overall Killeen Castle Demesne (a Protected Structure) of c. 255 ha at Dunsany, Co. Meath. Vehicular access to the proposed development is via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne as previously permitted. A concurrent application is being made for 22 houses immediately north of Loughmore Square all in place of 27 no. previously approved dwellings at this location (Reg. Ref. DA/802774) (Screening Statement for Appropriate Assessment submitted) |
DA140090 |
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17/02/2014 Monday |
Snowbury, |
Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany Co. Meath |
for a development of 22 no. detached dwellings comprising of 9 no. two storey 5-bed detached houses, 9 no. two storey two storey 4 bed- detached houses and 4 no. 3-bed detached bungalows and all associated site development and landscape works on a site of c. 2.5 ha adjoining to the north of Loughmore Square within the overall Killeen Castle Demesne (a Protected Structure) of c. 255 ha at Dunsany, Co. Meath. Vehicular access to the proposed development is via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne as previously permitted. This development is in lieu of 27 no. dwellings previously approved at this location (Reg. Ref. DA/802774) with a concurrent application being made for 5 no. infill houses within Loughmore Square (a Screening Statement for Appropriate Assessment has been submitted) |
DA801916 |
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18/06/2008 Wednesday |
Snowbury Ltd |
Killeen Castle (a protected structure), Killeen Castle Demense Including Loughmore Stud Dunsany |
and retention permission for development comprising revisions, modifications and alterations to a previously permitted scheme under Reg. Ref. 00/1670 (PL17.125108), Reg. Ref. DA40560, Reg. Ref. DA60303, Reg. Ref. DA60346 and Reg. Ref. DA60601 comprising hotel, conference centre, golf course and clubhouse and residential development at Killeen Castle (a protected structure), Killeen Castle Demense including Loughmore Stud, Dunsany, Co Meath. The overall hotel developmet as permitted under Reg. Ref. 00/1670 as revised by Reg. Ref. DA40560, Reg. Ref. DA60303 and Reg. Ref. DA60346, involves the restoration and use of Killeen Castle along with a linked new build element as a hotel. The modifications and alterations now proposed comprise a revised design and layout to the new build element of the permitted hotel, together with alterations to the internal layout of Killeen Castle (a protected structure) at lower ground, upper ground, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor levels and the provision of 46 no. Hotel Village units located to the north east of Killeen Castle (a protected structure). The development now proposed comprises of revisions, modifications and alterations to the permitted hotel development at Killeen Castle Demense under Reg. Ref. 00/1670 (PL17.125108), as revised by Reg. Ref. DA40560, Reg. Ref. DA60303 and Reg. Ref. DA60346 so as now to provide for 17 no. suites in Killeen Castle (a protected structure), together with a new structure varying in height from one to three storey's over basement incorporating a single storey link to the Castle (a protected structure) with a gross floor area of c. 5,920 sq. m., accomodating 39 no. bedrooms, a leisure/spa facility, function room and other ancillary facilities, and a further 46 no. Hotel Village units with a gross floor area of c. 8,175 sq. m., comprising of 20 no. two storey 2-bed units (unit types B & D), 18 no. three storey 4-bed units (unit type A) and 8 no. three storey 2-bed units (unit type C) arranged in 10 no. blocks ranging in height from two to three storey's incorporating 92 no. keys in total; all forming part of the proposed revised hotel accomodation at Killeen Castle Demense. Permission is also sought for the permanent retention of internal workscarried out at lower ground floor level of Killeen Castle (a proteced structure) consisting of the replacement of a previously permitted door ope (Reg. Ref. 00/1670 PL17.125108 refers)---(text missing,) Please see Planning File for full description. |
RA150110 |
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06/02/2015 Friday |
Anthony Johnston |
Killeen Castle Demesne Dunsany Co. Meath |
a change of house type at House Site No. 18 of the overall development permitted under Register Reference DA/802774 at Killeen Castle Demesne (a Protected Structure). The revisions now proposed comprise a change of house type at House Site No. 18 from a part one and predominantly two-storey 4-bedroom dwelling over part optional basement, with habitable attic space, plus garage (House Type A1+) (c744 sq. m overall, including garage and optional basement) to a 2 storey 6-bedroom dwelling, with accommodation in the attic space and velux windows in the roof (c.361 sq.m overall); all related site development and landscape works within House Site No. 18, including connections to existing services. Vehicular access to the proposed dwelling is via the existing internal road network and entrances to Killeen Castle Demesne as previously permitted. All on a site of c.0.29 Ha, within the overall approx. 255 Ha |
RA150763 |
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20/07/2015 Monday |
Anthony Johnston |
House Site No. 18 Killeen Castle Demesne, Dunsany County Meath |
development at Site No. 18, Killeen Castle Demesne (a Protected Structure) which consists of the provision of a garage of 38sqm to the southern side of the permitted dwelling (register reference RA/150110) and all associated site works |
RA180960 |
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22/08/2018 Wednesday |
Sasula Unlimited Company |
Killeen Castle Demense Dunsany Co Meath |
to development comprising of inter alia; revisions to 83 no. detached dwellings, 49 no. courtyard houses and 3 no. gate lodges previously permitted under Reg. Ref. DA/50416 & DA/70167 |