the demolition of existing house, construction of enlarged road entrance, construction of new security hut, retention and completion of new ESB sub-station and switchroom, re-location of public re-cycling facility, retention to alterations to site boundaries, retention and completion of car-parking area and revised internal road layout, and retention and completion to operation of landfill site at rear in accordance with previously issued waste licence
Raystown Business Park Ratoath Road, Raystown Ashbourne Co. Meath A84 HV02
the development consists of and will consist of the following: Retention Permission for: 1) the placement of 10no metal containers on existing commercial yard for use as self-storage containers 2) ancillary site works. Planning Permission for: 1) to place an additional 32no containers on site for self-storage use in addition to the existing on-site containers 2) to use existing parking spaces on site to facilitate customers using the containers 3) close up an existing entrance from the site onto the R125 road 4) reposition the gates and entrance at the rear of the site 5) all ancillary site works
the demolition of existing house, construction of enlarged road entrance, construction of new security hut, retention and completion of new ESB sub-station and switchroom, re-location of public re-cycling facility, alterations to site boundaries, retention and completion of car-parking area and revised internal road layout, and landfill site at rear in accordance with previously issued waste licence
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application