further information and revised plans submitted in respect of planning ref da/30034 including modified plans to provide for revisions to the proposed housing development (Phase 1: 100 dwellings) comprising of 12 no. 3-bedroom 2-storey townhouses(Type A); 18 no. 2-bedroom 2-storey townhouses(Type B); 22 no. 3-bedroom 2-storey semi-detached houses(Type C); 20 no. 4-bedroom 2-storey semi-detached houses(Type D); 14 no. 3-bedroom duplex townhouses (Types H & J) and 14 no. 2-bedroom ground floor apartments(Type G) together with bicycle/bin storage, creche (104.4ssq.m.) attached to House No.15 (Road No.2),estate roads(including access road to future secondary school and community facilities) and ancillary site development works with access from existing inner relief road at Jamestowm, Ratoath. The boundaries of the site have been amended from those previously submitted under ref.da/30034
minor internal alterations and proposed single storey extension to rear of approved houses (Ref. DA/30034; House Types C & D) currently under course of construction on site Nos. 1- incl., and 10- 15 incl. (Road No. 2), Site Nos. 1-4 incl. and 10 & 11 (Road No. 6); Site Nos. 1, 2 8 to 15 incl. & 21-24 incl. (Road No. 7) and site Nos. 1-6 incl. & 17-22 incl. (Road No. 8)
housing development (Phase 2:72 dwellings) comprising of 20 No 3 bedroom 2-storey townhouses (Type A); 22 No. 2 bedroom 2-storey townhouses (Type B); 8 No. 3 bedroom 2-storey semi-detached houses (Type C rev.); 10 No. 4 bedroom 2-storey semi-detached houses (Type D rev.); 6 No. 3 bedroom duplex townhouses (Types H & J) & 6 No. 2 bedroom ground floor apartments (Type G) together with Bicycle/Bin storage and ancillary site development works including estate roads at Site Nos 1 to 22 incl. The Grove, 1 to 38 incl. The Rise & 1 to 12 incl. The Cresent
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application