the construction of a hotel on an 8.5 acre site to the North of Ashbourne. The hotel will be 6-storey plus atrium and roof-top plantroom all above part basement and will consist of 141 bedrooms plus 4 no. 1 bedroom suites, 1672 sq.m. Function Room/Conference Room facilities, 306 sq.m. Bar, 309 sq.m. Restaurant, 1530 sq.m Leisure Centre/Gym/Health Spa, all with associated kitchen/serveies, stores, offices, meeting rooms and ancillary service and plant rooms, 325 car parking spaces, 2 coach parking spaces, entrance and circulation roadways, service yard and landscaping works including shallow water pool and all ancillary site works. Access to the hotel will be from a proposed roundabout at the northern termination of the Ashbourne Bypass on the upgraded N2
Development Address:
Rath , Ashbourne , Co Meath
Architect Name:
Horan Keoghan Ryan
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
ff c590
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
the construction of a hotel on an 8.5 acre site to the North of Ashbourne. The hotel will be 6-storey plus atrium and roof-top plantroom all above part basement and will consist of 141 bedrooms plus 4 no. 1 bedroom suites, 1672 sq.m. Function Room/Conference Room facilities, 306 sq.m. Bar, 309 sq.m. Restaurant, 1530 sq.m Leisure Centre/Gym/Health Spa, all with associated kitchen/serveies, stores, offices, meeting rooms and ancillary service and plant rooms, 325 car parking spaces, 2 coach parking spaces, entrance and circulation roadways, service yard and landscaping works including shallow water pool and all ancillary site works. Access to the hotel will be from a proposed roundabout at the northern termination of the Ashbourne Bypass on the upgraded N2
The proposed development will consist of permission to construct: 1. A two storey building of 2,443.6sq m, to the south of the existing Pillo hotel site. The ground floor of the proposed building will consist of an area of 1315.4sq m, and the first floor will have an area of 1128.2sq m. 2. The ground floor will contain a reception, soft drinks bar, bowling alley (8 lanes), toilets, laser maze, kitchen, freezer room, food area and double height storage area. The first floor will consist of communications room, bumping cars, games and 'party areas'. 3. Permission is sought for advertisement signage (13.4 sqm) to the North (front) and West (side) elevations on the proposed building. 4. Permission is also sought for 103 no. additional parking spaces, to thenortheast of the proposed building, to accommodate adequate parking on site. 5. Alterations and replacement of 63 no. car parking spaces to the existing hotel parking to the west of the proposed building. 6. Connections to the existing services at Pillo Hotel, landscaping and all ancillary site works.
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application