the change of use of the indoor sports hall into 2 no. new changing rooms with adjoining shower & toilet facilities, a medical room, a referee's room and a gym area all at ground floor level and a new indoor astroturf pitch at first floor level along with all associated site works
reclamation of 1.97 ha. of land and install a temporary wheel wash. The development will consist of reclaiming 1.97 ha. of land to improve existing GAA facilities and install a temporary wheel wash
the construction of an all-weather synthetic pitch with associated fencing, re-orientation of the senior football pitch, both with proposed floodlighting and ball-stopping measures, an extension to the existing clubhouse to incorportae additional dressing rooms and storage facilities, additional works to the clubhouse gable wall to provide a hurling practice wall and associated Siteworks including the provision of additional car-parking and access gates off the existing lane
the development will consist of the replacement of existing floodlights serving the juvenile pitch with 6 no. 18.3m tall lighting masts and all ancillary works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application