DA130952 |
12/12/2013 Thursday |
Granbrind Ltd., (Peter & Seamus Hickey), |
Baltrasna and Milltown Ashbourne Co. Meath |
for permission with a life of ten years, for development at site measureing c. 10.1 ha on Hickey's Lane, bounded generally by the Dublin Road (N2) and The Briars Estate to the east, agricultural lands to the north and west by low density detached housing to the south and east on Hickey's Lane, in the townlands of Baltrasna and Milltown, Ashbourne, Co. Meath. The development will consist of 200 no. dwellings (80 no. 4-bed semi-detached houses, 100 no. 3-bed semi-detached houses, 20 no. 4-bed-detached houses), all in two storey buildings all with roof mounted solar panels; 1 no. Creche (c. 277m2) in a two-storey building, together with an outdoor amenity space (c.198m2); 1 new vehicular entrance point on the eastern boundary of the site to Hickey's Lane to serve the entire development; the proposal involves upgrade works to the section of Hickey's Lane from the new entrance on Hickey's Lane which connects the site with the Dublin Road (N2); all ancillary and associated site development and landscape works; demolition of a habitable dwelling |
SH314550 |
C |
07/09/2022 Wednesday |
Arnub Ltd. & Aspect Homes (ADC) Ltd. |
Baltrasna and Milltown Ashbourne County Meath |
*STRATEGIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT, SUBMISSIONS DIRECTLY TO AN BORD PLEANALA*, on an overall site of c. 20.04 hectares, located in the townlands of Baltrasna and Milltown, Ashbourne, County Meath. The application site is located to the west / south-west of Dublin Road (R135), south-west of Cherry Lane, west of the existing dwellings at The Briars and Cherry Court, south of the existing dwellings at Alderbrook Heath, Alderbrook Downs & Alderbrook Rise, east / south-east of the existing dwellings at Tara Close & Tara Place, and north-west and south-west of Hickey’s Lane.
The development will consist of the following:
(1) Demolition of all existing structures on site, comprising 3 no. single storey dwellings and their associated outbuildings (total demolition area: c.659m²).
(2) Construction of 702 no. residential dwellings comprised of: 420 no. 2 & 3 storey 2, 3, 4, & 5 bed detached, semi-detached & terraced houses, 38 no. 2 & 3 bed duplex units in 19 no. 3 storey buildings, and 244 no. 1, 2, & 3 bed apartments in 20 no. buildings ranging in height from 3 to 6 storeys.
(3) The development also includes for the following non-residential uses: (i) 2 no. childcare facilities located in Blocks A and A1 (c. 289m² & c.384m² respectively), (ii) 4 no. retail units comprised of: 2 no. units in Block A (c.106m² & c.174m² respectively), 1 no. unit in Block A1 (c.191m²), & 1 no. unit in Block B1 (c.469m²), and (iii) 1 no. GP practice / medical use unit located in Block A1 (c.186m²).
(4) The development provides for a basement level car park located under Block A1 (c. 4,095m2) and, 2 no. undercroft car parks located at the ground floor level of Block A (c. 466m2) and Block B1 (c. 1,466m2).
(5) The development provides for an area of c.1 hectare reserved for a future school site and playing pitch at the western boundary of the site.
(6) Vehicular access to the development will be via 2 no. access points as follows: (i) from Cherry Lane, located off Dublin Road (R135), in the north-east of the site and, (ii) from Hickey’s Lane, located off Dublin Road (R135), to the east of the site. The development includes for road upgrades / improvement works to both Cherry Lane and Hickey’s Lane and their junctions with Dublin Road (R135). A new east-west access road through the development site extending from Cherry Lane to the western boundary of the site and all associated site development works is proposed. |