Planning application details ref: DA110174 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: DA110174 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: DA110174
Received Date: 01/03/2011 Decision Due Date: 17/11/2011
Validated Date: 01/03/2011 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: 21/04/2011 Further Info Received: 23/09/2011
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 16/11/2011
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date: 12/12/2011
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 27/10/2011

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Cusack Homes Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: development on a site measuring c.2.3 ha in Dunshaughlin town centre located to the west of the Main Street(N3),Dunshaughlin,Co Meath. The site is bounded to the west by Greenane Rd., to the south & north by existing developments and to the east by Main Street with access immediately north of the premises formerly known as Grogan's pub. The development will have a total gross floor area of c.5,685sqm & will consist of: (i) a new vehicular access into the site by way of a two-way entrance & exit with a signal controlled junction with the Main Street; (ii) a two storey building with pitched roof that is designed with traditional features, contemporary elements which include an atrium & respects the vernacular architecture of the town. This building is located to the north of the new access road & facing both Main Street & the new access road. The ground floor of this building will consist of 5no. retail units with a total gross floor area of c.555sqm (including atrium & lobby). The first floor will consist of 2no. office units with a gross floor area of c.513sqm (including atrium). This building is a perimeter structure which part encloses a landscaped open space area; (iii) a single storey cafe unit pitched roof & a gross floor area of c.150sqm. This unit faces onto the new access road; (iv) a single storey anchor retail unit with a gross floor area of c. 4,439sqm(selling convenience & comparison products)& a net sales area of c.2,726sqm including subsidiary alcohol sales & located immediately west of the cafe unit with a service yard area abutting the western facade; (v) landscaping to include the retention of existing vegetation along the southern, eastern & western boundaries & the creation of a landscape buffer along the western boundary with designated pedestrian access points; (vi) 323no. car parking spaces are to be provided at grade; (vii) provision for ESB sub stations; (viii)demolition of the existing boundary wall along Main Street; (ix) ancillary signage including fascia & 1no. double sided illuminated totem sign at the entrance from Main Street; (x) ancillary plant; & (xi) all necessary site services. The development will include site enabling works(including clearance & preparation), all landscaping, recycling facilities & all associated site development works required. The existing bus stop along Main Street will be relocated north of its current location & a bus shelter provided. An EIS will be submitted to be planning authority with the app
Development Address: West Of The Main Street (N3), Dunshaughlin , Co Meath
Architect Name: GVA Planning & Regeneration Limited Location Key: DUNSHAUGHLIN
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: None
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 16/11/2011 Manager Order: D1431/11
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 44
Grant Date: Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 07/03/2018
Decision Description: development on a site measuring c.2.3 ha in Dunshaughlin town centre located to the west of the Main Street(N3),Dunshaughlin,Co Meath. The site is bounded to the west by Greenane Rd., to the south & north by existing developments and to the east by Main Street with access immediately north of the premises formerly known as Grogan's pub. The development will have a total gross floor area of c.5,685sqm & will consist of: (i) a new vehicular access into the site by way of a two-way entrance & exit with a signal controlled junction with the Main Street; (ii) a two storey building with pitched roof that is designed with traditional features, contemporary elements which include an atrium & respects the vernacular architecture of the town. This building is located to the north of the new access road & facing both Main Street & the new access road. The ground floor of this building will consist of 5no. retail units with a total gross floor area of c.555sqm (including atrium & lobby). The first floor will consist of 2no. office units with a gross floor area of c.513sqm (including atrium). This building is a perimeter structure which part encloses a landscaped open space area; (iii) a single storey cafe unit pitched roof & a gross floor area of c.150sqm. This unit faces onto the new access road; (iv) a single storey anchor retail unit with a gross floor area of c. 4,439sqm(selling convenience & comparison products)& a net sales area of c.2,726sqm including subsidiary alcohol sales & located immediately west of the cafe unit with a service yard area abutting the western facade; (v) landscaping to include the retention of existing vegetation along the southern, eastern & western boundaries & the creation of a landscape buffer along the western boundary with designated pedestrian access points; (vi) 323no. car parking spaces are to be provided at grade; (vii) provision for ESB sub stations; (viii)demolition of the existing boundary wall along Main Street; (ix) ancillary signage including fascia & 1no. double sided illuminated totem sign at the entrance from Main Street; (x) ancillary plant; & (xi) all necessary site services. The development will include site enabling works(including clearance & preparation), all landscaping, recycling facilities & all associated site development works required. The existing bus stop along Main Street will be relocated north of its current location & a bus shelter provided. An EIS will be submitted to be planning authority with the app

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: 15/12/2011 BP Reference #: PL 17.239940
Appeal Type: APPLICANT File Forward Date: 22/12/2011
Submission Due Date: 22/02/2012 Submission Sent Date: 22/02/2012
Appeal Decision: CONDITIONAL Decision Date: 08/03/2013
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: