development consists of a new extension to existing agricultural storage sheds for the mixing of lime with organic Biosolids for storage. These Biosolids will then be recycled in agriculture for the beneficial reuse as an organic fertiliser. Including all associated site works. This development will require authorisation under the Waste Management/Registration Regulations 2010 S.I. No. 32 of 2010
development consists of a new extension to existing agricultural storage sheds for the mixing of lime with organic Biosolids for storage. These Biosolids will then be recycled in agriculture for the beneficial reuse as an organic fertiliser. Including all associated site works. This development will require authorisation under the Waste Management/Registration Regulations 2010 S.I. No. 32 of 2010
the construction of agricultural grain storage sheds, including new entrance gates, access road, yard, surface water drainage and all associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
the development consists of the change of use from previously granted planning permission ref- AA140896 to the use as an agricultural grain store including all associated site works
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application