Circle K Bracetown Service Station Bracetown Clonee, Co Meath D15 W9YX
an automatic brush car wash and all associated plant, water storage, signage and other drainage and site deelopment works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
demolition of an existing retail shop & office building, the decomission of an exist service station forecourt and forecourt canopy along with existing underground storage tanks, car wash slab and interceptor trap and the construction of a replacement two storey retail shop building including new serve over, replacement forecourt and forecourt canopy, new brush wash and wash recycling facility, new underground tank farm, new service bay, raise site levels generally, new boundary walls, alterations to existing site entrance & exit, new waste water treatment and percolation area, new interceptor traps, new drainage system & on site attenuation system, new illuminated signage and associated ancillary works (Further Information/Revised Plans from that previously submitted under Planning Ref no DA/802462 have been submitted to the Planning Authority)
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application