the development consists of 1. The construction of 2 semi-detached two storey 3 no. bedroom dwellings with relevant boundary treatments 2. To remove the existing northern boundary hedge to allow for a new entrance for each dwelling 3. With connection to public services and all ancillary site development works
constructing a 2 storey rear extension consisting of a kitchen/dining room on the ground floor and a bedroom on the first floor and on the front elevation the addition of a front porch along with a window and a roof light to the new en suite
The development consists of 1. The construction of a part two storey and part single storey rear extension to an existing 2 storey dwelling 2. To replace the double side garden entrance to a single side entrance 3. Minor changes externally & internally on the existing dwelling with 3 rooflights on the rear roof 4. New separate Domestic Garage to the rear and all ancillary site development works. NOTE: When completed the development will be split in to 2 separate self-contained 2 bed units. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application