LB190816 |
C |
21/06/2019 Friday |
Carroll Estates (Dublin) Ltd |
Doncarney Great, Mornington & Betaghstown Civil Parish Of Colp Bettystown, Co. Meath |
the construction of 63 no. dwellings comprising a mix of house-types including: (i) 22 no. two-storey, three-bedroom, semi-detached units with roof lights on rear roof slope and optional room at attic level (House Type A, A1, A2; (ii) 2 no. two-storey, three-bedroom, detached units with roof lights on rear roof slope and optional room at attic level (House Type B, B1); (iii) 10 no. two-storey, four -bedroom, semi-detached units (House Type C, C1, C2); (iv) 6 no. two-storey, detached dwellings with roof lights on rear roof slope and optional room at attic level (House Type D, D1); and (v) 23 no. two-storey, two-bedroom, terraced units (House Type E, E1, E2, E3, F, F1) with extensive dual frontage throughout the scheme. The proposed development will also include the provision of car parking, private open space, public open space, foul and surface water drainage, street lighting, boundary treatments and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application |