the proposed road development comprises of: • Construction of a new carriageway (c.1.46km) between Navan Road and Station Road (L2228); • Construction of a carriageway featuring 1 no. 3-3.5m wide lane of traffic in each direction; • A proposed design speed of 50 km/h; Provision of 2m wide cycle lanes on both sides of the corridor; • Provision of 2m wide footpaths on both sides of the corridor; • 3m landscaped verges to provide a buffer between the proposed cycle facilities and vehicular traffic. These verges could be converted into a potential bus lane in the future; • Construction of a new bridge over the existing railway line including embankments, bridge length c 22.5 m without embankments, height of a bridge underpass c 5.5 m; • Provision of 11 no. new priority junctions off the Eastern Distributor Road to provide a new access to Dunboyne Rail Station, to serve future residential development lands and lands zoned as 'G1- Community Infrastructure' to the east of the subject site. These junctions will be provided as raised tables to ensure priority for pedestrians and cyclists; • Provision of a new signal-controlled junction including a right turn lane off Navan Road in continuation of Dunboyne Business Park Road at the northern end of the proposed distributor road; • Provision of a new signal-controlled junction including turning lanes off Station Road aligned opposite to an already constructed segment of a distributor road (entrance to Castle Farm Residential Development); • Removal of the existing train station car park entrance road from Station Road and its replacement with a new access road off the proposed distributor road. It will also include ancillary works: • Drainage works; • Public lighting; • Traffic signals; • Road marking and signage; • Associated landscaping works; • Miscellaneous ancillary works above and below ground level including soil stabilisation works. Temporary areas necessary for construction phase include: • Provision of 2no. temporary construction compounds necessary for construction phase; • Provision of 2no. temporary storage areas for excavated spoil material with maximum capacities of c.25,000m3 and c.8,000m3; • 5m buffer area at identified locations along the proposed development. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
Development Address:
Lands at Station Road, Pace Line, Bracetown, Townlands: Dunboyne, Castlefarm,, Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Brock McClure
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Teresa O'Reilly
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
F.I Period Extended to 21/12/2024
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
the proposed road development comprises of: • Construction of a new carriageway (c.1.46km) between Navan Road and Station Road (L2228); • Construction of a carriageway featuring 1 no. 3-3.5m wide lane of traffic in each direction; • A proposed design speed of 50 km/h; Provision of 2m wide cycle lanes on both sides of the corridor; • Provision of 2m wide footpaths on both sides of the corridor; • 3m landscaped verges to provide a buffer between the proposed cycle facilities and vehicular traffic. These verges could be converted into a potential bus lane in the future; • Construction of a new bridge over the existing railway line including embankments, bridge length c 22.5 m without embankments, height of a bridge underpass c 5.5 m; • Provision of 11 no. new priority junctions off the Eastern Distributor Road to provide a new access to Dunboyne Rail Station, to serve future residential development lands and lands zoned as 'G1- Community Infrastructure' to the east of the subject site. These junctions will be provided as raised tables to ensure priority for pedestrians and cyclists; • Provision of a new signal-controlled junction including a right turn lane off Navan Road in continuation of Dunboyne Business Park Road at the northern end of the proposed distributor road; • Provision of a new signal-controlled junction including turning lanes off Station Road aligned opposite to an already constructed segment of a distributor road (entrance to Castle Farm Residential Development); • Removal of the existing train station car park entrance road from Station Road and its replacement with a new access road off the proposed distributor road. It will also include ancillary works: • Drainage works; • Public lighting; • Traffic signals; • Road marking and signage; • Associated landscaping works; • Miscellaneous ancillary works above and below ground level including soil stabilisation works. Temporary areas necessary for construction phase include: • Provision of 2no. temporary construction compounds necessary for construction phase; • Provision of 2no. temporary storage areas for excavated spoil material with maximum capacities of c.25,000m3 and c.8,000m3; • 5m buffer area at identified locations along the proposed development. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
for a 10-year permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development at this site in the Townlands of Castle Farm, Ruskin and Clonee, Dunboyne, County Meath on lands generally bound to the east and south by agriculturally zoned lands, to the west by the larnr6d Eireann rail line, and to the north by the residential development permitted under Meath County Council (MCC) Reg. Ref. RA180561, agricultural lands and the L2228 (Station Road/Clonee Road). Alterations to two no. roundabouts on the R147 (Old Navan Road) is also proposed and these are located on lands in the townlands of Loughsallagh and Clonee, Dunboyne, County Meath.
The proposed development is on a site of approximately 16.92Ha overall and consists of 716no. dwellings in a mixture of terraced, semi-detached and detached houses, duplexes and apartments as follows:
• 517no. apartment units are accommodated in 8no.buildings of 4-7 storeys in height comprising: l0no. 1-bed apartments, 202no. 2-bed apartments and 24no. 3-bed apartments accommodated in 4no. 4-6 storey apartment blocks (Blocks Al, A2, A3 and A4); 55no. 1-bed apartments, 80no. 2-bed apartments and 12no. 3-bed apartments accommodated in 2no. 6-7 storey apartment blocks (Blocks Bl and B2); 36no. 1-bed apartments, 78no. 2-bed apartments and 20no. 3-bed apartments accommodated in 2no. 4-5 storey apartment blocks (Blocks Cl and C2)………………..
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and accompany this application.
Carroll Estates Dunboyne Limited intend to apply to Meath County Council for permission for development of a Large-Scale Residential Development on a site of 5.99 ha, at Bracetown, Dunboyne, Co. Meath.
The principal application site is generally bounded to the north by greenfield lands, to the east by the railway line, to the south by Old Fairgreen/Mill Farm, and to the west by the Navan Road. The secondary application site is generally bounded to the north by greenfield lands, to the east by greenfield lands, to the south by greenfield lands, and to the west by the railway line.
The proposed development will consist of the following:
a) Development of 171 no. residential units as follows:
i. 114 no. houses comprising 101 3-bedroom houses, and 13 no. 4-bedroom houses, ranging in size from c. 107.6 sqm to c. 153 sqm, all 2-storeys in height. Each house will have an associated rear/side private garden.
ii. 57 no. apartment/duplex units comprising the following: 5 no. 1-bedroom units of c. 56 sqm to 66.9 sqm, 26 no. 2-bedroom units of c. 78.8 sqm to 120.2 sqm., and 26 no. 3-bedroom units of c. 119 sqm to 128.6 sqm. in 7 no. blocks ranging in height from 2 to 3 storeys. All apartment and duplex units will be provided with private open space areas in the form of balconies/terraces.
iii. Communal open space associated with the proposed apartment units will be provided in the form of landscaped areas located in the vicinity of the apartment units (of c. 595 sqm).
iv. Provision of 301 no. car parking spaces across the development site (inclusive of accessible (4 no.) and EV (60 no.) parking spaces) and 195 no. bicycle parking spaces for residents and visitors of the scheme provided throughout the development site.
b) 1 no. childcare facility of c. 161 sqm with associated outdoor amenity space of c. 40sqm.
c) The provision of landscaped public open space amenity areas (totalling c. 6971 sqm).
d) Surface water drainage infrastructure on a site of c. 0.36 ha on the eastern side of the railway line (all lands in the control of the applicant).
e) Section of the Dunboyne Eastern Distributor Road from the western site boundary with Navan Road to the eastern site boundary. This includes all associated vehicular and pedestrian accesses, carriageways, paths and junctions. The following planning application - Meath Co. Co. Reg Ref 24/60063 – encroaches the application lands in this regard.
extra description in F drive.