the proposed works will consist of antennae suffixed upon a fixed steel platform, combined with an access ladder at each. Combined, the structures will stand approximately 8.5m in height. With the presence of the existing screen wall, however, only the antennae pole will extend beyond the existing roofline by about 3m. In all the works consist of 2 no fixed vertical ladders (c.5.5m in height), 2 no. steel platforms (c. 5.5m in height), 2 no. antennae (c.4.5m in height). The proposed works are required to improve radio communications for the onsite staff and to remove communications blackspots for security, operational and health and safety purposes. The proposed works are to be affixed to the rooftops of existing onsite buildings, namely: Building 2 (Eircode D15 NN9V), Building 6 (Eircode D15 TP6X)
Development Address:
Buildings 2 & 6, Portan, Gunnocks & Loughsallagh, North of Clonee Village, Co Meath
Buildings 2 & 6 Portan, Gunnocks & Loughsallagh North of Clonee Village, Co Meath
the proposed works will consist of antennae suffixed upon a fixed steel platform, combined with an access ladder at each. Combined, the structures will stand approximately 8.5m in height. With the presence of the existing screen wall, however, only the antennae pole will extend beyond the existing roofline by about 3m. In all the works consist of 2 no fixed vertical ladders (c.5.5m in height), 2 no. steel platforms (c. 5.5m in height), 2 no. antennae (c.4.5m in height). The proposed works are required to improve radio communications for the onsite staff and to remove communications blackspots for security, operational and health and safety purposes. The proposed works are to be affixed to the rooftops of existing onsite buildings, namely: Building 2 (Eircode D15 NN9V), Building 6 (Eircode D15 TP6X)
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application