development in the townlands of Sevitsland, Betaghstown, and Ministown in Bettystown Co. Meath, located west of the Narrowways Road and to the south of the Woodside Residential Development. The development will consist of construction of 98 no. housing units comprising; 44 no. two storey 3 bed semi-detached dwellings with optional attic conversion and sunroom space; 2 no. two storey 3 bed detached dwellings with optional attic conversion and sunroom space; 10 no. two storey 4 bed semi-detached dwellings with optional attic conversion and sunroom space. Two no. two storey 4 bed detached dwellings with optional attic conversion and sunroom space; 40 no apartment units in 10 no. two and a half storey maisonette blocks containing the two no. 2-bed apartment units and 2 no. 1-bed apartment units in each block. Permission is also sought for a 2 storey creche with 20 no. children places and ancillary carparking, an ESB Substation for the housing scheme, drainage works, water connections, provision of an access to the public road from the Narrowways Road, pedestrian links to adjoining lands, landscaping and boundary treatments and all associated site works. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
a change of house type to units 62-85 & 90-97 inclusive, from ground floor apartment with 2 storey maisonette over - in semi-detached blocks, to 2 storey 3-bed semi-detached houses. Proposed houses to allow for an optional attic conversion and/or ground floor sunroom. Permission is also sought for the realignment of the rear boundary between houses 25-28 incl. & 79-82 incl. Significant further information/revised plans submitted on this application
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application