the development consists of the following of: (1) To construct an extension to the rear of the house at ground floor level and to raise part of the rear wall and roof at first floor to form a bedroom (2) To construct a two storied dormer type extension to the side of the house to include alterations to the existing roof to incorporate a new single metal clad box type dormer (3) To carry out alterations to the front driveway to provide additional car parking and will incorporate the use of permeable paving (4) and all ancillary site works
the development consists of the following of: (1) To construct an extension to the rear of the house at ground floor level and to raise part of the rear wall and roof at first floor to form a bedroom (2) To construct a two storied dormer type extension to the side of the house to include alterations to the existing roof to incorporate a new single metal clad box type dormer (3) To carry out alterations to the front driveway to provide additional car parking and will incorporate the use of permeable paving (4) and all ancillary site works
development will consist of the construction of a dormer style extension to the side of the existing house and alterations to the existing rear elevation to form a storey and a half projection. Permission is also sought for all ancillary works and services including the alteration of the front driveway
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application