Planning application details ref: 23613 Meath CoCo

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Planning Application: 23613 (Meath CoCo)
File Number: 23613
Received Date: 12/06/2023 Decision Due Date: 06/08/2023
Validated Date: 12/06/2023 Invalidated Date:
Further Info Requested: Further Info Received:
Withdrawn Date: Extend Date:
Decision Type: Conditional Decision Date: 02/08/2023
Leave to Appeal: Appeal Date:
Commenced Date: Submissions By: 16/07/2023

Applicant Details

Applicant name: Lefgem Limited
Applicant Address:
Phone Number: Fax Number:
Corresp. Address:

Applicant Details

Proposed Development

Development Description: the proposed works are principally to the existing banquet hall and conference centre located to the south of the main hotel building and associated external landscaped areas. The proposed external works comprise: (i) the provision of a new 210 sq.m. store room extension (5.450m in height) over existing service yard to the rear (east) of the building; (ii) a 136 sq.m. extension to the south east corner of the building to provide a new glazed orangery bar; (iii) demolition of existing single storey draught lobby (30 sq.m.) and construction of a new 60 sq.m. extension (4.050m in height) on the northern side of the building to provide for a bar area (44 sq.m.) and 2 no. store rooms (8sq.m. each); (iv) a new 20 sq.m. entrance lobby with an external canopy to the southern side of the building; (v) 2 no. new external seating areas to the east and west of the proposed entrance lobby; (vi) a new vehicular circulation layout with roundabout and water feature to the front of the proposed entrance lobby, loading bay, access ramp, external stair case, footpaths; (vii) relocation of the approved bike store located in the service yard (Reg. Ref. 22/1089) underneath proposed store building; and, (viii) the provision of a landscaped seating deck to the south of the building. Proposed internal works comprise reconfiguration of existing conference and banqueting accommodation to provide (a) 2 no. conference banqueting suites (320sq.m. and 280 sq.m.), (b) 2 no. meeting rooms (180 sq.m. and 110 sq.m.). (c) reception lobby (135 sq.m.) and (d) associated toilets, storage, cloakrooms and staff areas. Retention permission is sought for 4 no. accessible car parking spaces provided to the front of the hotel (southwest facade) and existing landscaping works comprising an existing timber pergola structure to south of the hotel development. The development also includes all other associated engineering works, landscaping, and ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development
Development Address: The Johnstown Estate, Johnstown, (ED Innfield), Enfield, Co Meath A83 V070
Architect Name: Location Key: JOHNSTOWN
Electoral Division: Incorrect Icl Voter Recor Planner: Kathryn Hosey
Social Housing Exempt: Plan Enforcement #:
IPC Licence Required: No Waste Licence Required: No
Protected Structure: No Protected Structure #:
Development Name:

Proposed Development


Significant Case Flag: Comments:


Decision Date: 02/08/2023 Manager Order: 1142/23
Decision Type: Conditional Number of Conditions: 5
Grant Date: 12/09/2023 Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47 Apply?: Part 5 Apply?:
Expiry Date: 11/09/2028
Decision Description: the proposed works are principally to the existing banquet hall and conference centre located to the south of the main hotel building and associated external landscaped areas. The proposed external works comprise: (i) the provision of a new 210 sq.m. store room extension (5.450m in height) over existing service yard to the rear (east) of the building; (ii) a 136 sq.m. extension to the south east corner of the building to provide a new glazed orangery bar; (iii) demolition of existing single storey draught lobby (30 sq.m.) and construction of a new 60 sq.m. extension (4.050m in height) on the northern side of the building to provide for a bar area (44 sq.m.) and 2 no. store rooms (8sq.m. each); (iv) a new 20 sq.m. entrance lobby with an external canopy to the southern side of the building; (v) 2 no. new external seating areas to the east and west of the proposed entrance lobby; (vi) a new vehicular circulation layout with roundabout and water feature to the front of the proposed entrance lobby, loading bay, access ramp, external stair case, footpaths; (vii) relocation of the approved bike store located in the service yard (Reg. Ref. 22/1089) underneath proposed store building; and, (viii) the provision of a landscaped seating deck to the south of the building. Proposed internal works comprise reconfiguration of existing conference and banqueting accommodation to provide (a) 2 no. conference banqueting suites (320sq.m. and 280 sq.m.), (b) 2 no. meeting rooms (180 sq.m. and 110 sq.m.). (c) reception lobby (135 sq.m.) and (d) associated toilets, storage, cloakrooms and staff areas. Retention permission is sought for 4 no. accessible car parking spaces provided to the front of the hotel (southwest facade) and existing landscaping works comprising an existing timber pergola structure to south of the hotel development. The development also includes all other associated engineering works, landscaping, and ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development

Appeal Details

Appeal Details
Notification Date: BP Reference #:
Appeal Type: File Forward Date:
Submission Due Date: Submission Sent Date:
Appeal Decision: Decision Date:
Withdrawn Date: Dismissed Date: