Permission for the following Large-Scale Residential Development consisting of: i) 267 no. residential units comprising 145 no. dwelling houses and 122 no. apartments/duplexes providing a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed units. The dwelling houses range in height from 2-3 storeys. The apartments/duplexes are in 8 no. blocks (i.e. Blocks A-H, with Blocks B and C joined) ranging in height from 3 to 5 storeys; ii) a single storey creche; iii) modifications to the R157 regional road including changes to the existing carriageway/traffic lanes and the replacement of an existing roundabout with a new signalised junction; iv) a new signalised junction and link road (including new bridge over the River Tolka) connecting the R157 and the Old Navan Road; v) the provision of footpaths, cycle lanes and 2 no. pedestrian crossings on the existing M3 Parkway access road, vi) a foul pumping station and connection to the existing public sewerage system via the Old Navan Road; vii) a watermain connection to the north of the site at Pace (townland); viii) 3 no. ESB substation/kiosks and the undergrounding/re-routing of existing electricity lines; ix) reprofiling of land and relocation of existing berm adjoining the River Tolka as part of flood mitigation measures; and x) all associated ancillary development works including footpaths, cycle lanes, car and bicycle parking, drainage, public lighting, bin storage, boundary treatments and landscaping/amenity areas at this site measuring 14.17 hectares principally located in Bennetstown (townland) to the south of the M3 Parkway park and ride and rail station, and also extending into Pace & Dunboyne (townlands), Dunboyne North, Co. Meath. Access will be via 2 no. new vehicular access points along the new link road between the R157 and the Old Navan Road. Pedestrian access will also be provided on to the existing M3 Parkway access road.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been submitted to the planning authority with the application. Significant further information/revised plans submitted with this application
Development Address:
Principally located in Bennetstown (townland) to the south of the M3 Parkway park and ride and rail station, and also extending into Pace & Dunboyne (townlands), Dunboyne North, Co. Meath
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Wendy Bagnall
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
FI Period Extension to 23/05/2024
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
Permission for the following Large-Scale Residential Development consisting of: i) 267 no. residential units comprising 145 no. dwelling houses and 122 no. apartments/duplexes providing a mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4-bed units. The dwelling houses range in height from 2-3 storeys. The apartments/duplexes are in 8 no. blocks (i.e. Blocks A-H, with Blocks B and C joined) ranging in height from 3 to 5 storeys; ii) a single storey creche; iii) modifications to the R157 regional road including changes to the existing carriageway/traffic lanes and the replacement of an existing roundabout with a new signalised junction; iv) a new signalised junction and link road (including new bridge over the River Tolka) connecting the R157 and the Old Navan Road; v) the provision of footpaths, cycle lanes and 2 no. pedestrian crossings on the existing M3 Parkway access road, vi) a foul pumping station and connection to the existing public sewerage system via the Old Navan Road; vii) a watermain connection to the north of the site at Pace (townland); viii) 3 no. ESB substation/kiosks and the undergrounding/re-routing of existing electricity lines; ix) reprofiling of land and relocation of existing berm adjoining the River Tolka as part of flood mitigation measures; and x) all associated ancillary development works including footpaths, cycle lanes, car and bicycle parking, drainage, public lighting, bin storage, boundary treatments and landscaping/amenity areas at this site measuring 14.17 hectares principally located in Bennetstown (townland) to the south of the M3 Parkway park and ride and rail station, and also extending into Pace & Dunboyne (townlands), Dunboyne North, Co. Meath. Access will be via 2 no. new vehicular access points along the new link road between the R157 and the Old Navan Road. Pedestrian access will also be provided on to the existing M3 Parkway access road.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been submitted to the planning authority with the application. Significant further information/revised plans submitted with this application