(a) construction of a new single storey industrial type building with a lean-to canopy (floor area 338 m2) for parking and enclosing by product collection trailers and bins associated with the existing bovine slaughtering process, (b) change of use of existing single trailer enclosure (floor area 61 m2) to a pallet store with new external wall and roof cladding, (c) associated site development works to incude new pavement, drainage retaining walls and landscaping. This application relates to a development for the purposes of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Licence (Reg No. P0811-02)
Development Address:
Painestown, Beauparc, Navan, Co Meath
Architect Name:
Location Key:
Electoral Division:
Incorrect Icl Voter Recor
Gerard Kellett
Social Housing Exempt:
Plan Enforcement #:
Licence Required:
Waste Licence Required:
Protected Structure:
Protected Structure #:
Development Name:
Proposed Development
Significant Case Flag:
Decision Date:
Manager Order:
Decision Type:
Number of Conditions:
Grant Date:
Grant Managers Order #:
Section 47
Part 5
Expiry Date:
Decision Description:
(a) construction of a new single storey industrial type building with a lean-to canopy (floor area 338 m2) for parking and enclosing by product collection trailers and bins associated with the existing bovine slaughtering process, (b) change of use of existing single trailer enclosure (floor area 61 m2) to a pallet store with new external wall and roof cladding, (c) associated site development works to incude new pavement, drainage retaining walls and landscaping. This application relates to a development for the purposes of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Licence (Reg No. P0811-02)
Painestown, Seneschalstown, Dollardstown Hayestown-Carnuff Little & Ardmulchan Navan, Co. Meath
the development consists of the construction of an extension to an existing wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) where the works include:- a) Demolition of an existing storage building (17.50m2) and construction of a new single-storey industrial type building to enclose the DAF unit granted planning permission under planning reference LB180300 and to provide new enclosed storage and control rooms (total floor area 119m2). b) Install a new sludge press at intake to WWTP, change aeration tank to anoxic tank, install 2 no. additional aeration tanks, alteration to perimeter berm to increase the footprint of WWTP, by 539m2 to that granted planning permission under planning permission LB180300. C) Treated wastewater rising main from the site of the proposed development to new discharge point at the River Boyne (distance 7.2km), where pipeline shall be laid along a section of Windmill Road, the L1013, Yellow Furze Road, the L1600 (Boyne Road), and the unnamed local road leading from the L1600 to the private lands abutting the River Boyne at the discharge point. This planning application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS). This application relates to a development which is for the purposes of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Licence (Reg No. P0811-02).Significant Further Information/Revised plans submitted on this application
(a) construction of two new single-storey industrial type buildings to include: Building 1 (Floor Area = 207m2) for parking and enclosing by-product collection trailers and Building 2 (Floor Area - 182m2) for storing by-product collection bins and parking a collection trailer. (b) associated site development works to include pavements, drainage and landscaping. This application relates to a development which is for the purposes of an activity which holds an Industrial Emissions Licence (Reg No. P0811-02)
the construction of a two-storey extension to the north elevation of the Bovine Slaughtering Building: - a) Ground floor area to include Offal Process Area with Chill, Covered Bin Storage Area, Boxed Offal Chill, Offices, Amenities including toilets, changing rooms, laundry rooms, and Canteen. b) First floor level to include Offices, Toilets and Extension to Box Store. c) Associated site development works, including demolition of existing office/amenity pre-fabricated building
No Environment Impact Assesments Associated with this Application